View Full Version : Please Help: Pitches in Fingers causing Wrist pain

09-26-2018, 11:45 AM
Over the last 5-6 years, the flexibility in my fingers has been decreasing. I had 0 pitch in the middle finger and 1/8 away in the ring. Had some pain in my hand when I would bowl more then 4 or 5 games. Got fit again and went to 1/2 away in the middle finger and 1/2 away in the ring. I've started having pain in my wrist again and a little worse then before. Also, my span was shorten a 1/4 inch. How much of an effect would finger pitches have on my wrist pain and how much pitch is to much? Would going to 1 inch of pitch be realistic and how would it change my roll???

09-26-2018, 12:52 PM
I don't think anyone can realistically give you span and pitch recommendations without being able to physically seeing your fit and examining your hand. With that said, an incorrect grip, span and fit can definitely cause you pain. You need to find the best pro shop in your area and work with them on your fit. Explain to them the pain you are having and they should also check the flexibility in your hand and fingers.

I wouldn't worry about your roll until after you get the proper fit and are pain free. That's the most important thing.

09-26-2018, 01:28 PM
Here's the specs. I drilled balls and worked in a pro shop for a few years. I bowl PBA events, which might not mean a whole lot considering anyone can bowl them, but its just to say that I try my best to stay as knowledgeable as possible. The pro shops in my area aren't, to be nice, aren't the best and the guy that fixed me up before isn't around anymore. Being as I live with my body everyday, I can for sure say that flexibility in fingers has decreased.

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g203/edpup316/Span.jpg (http://s57.photobucket.com/user/edpup316/media/Span.jpg.html)

09-26-2018, 04:17 PM
Just a thought, have you thought about checking your span? I found that shortening the span of my balls really helped me with wrist pain that I was developing.

09-27-2018, 10:23 AM
Just a thought, have you thought about checking your span? I found that shortening the span of my balls really helped me with wrist pain that I was developing.

I mentioned in the OP that I shortened my span a 1/4 inch already. I would be down with shortening it more but wanted to find out of that would even help. Feel like if its too short it might lead to squeezing more then normal.

09-27-2018, 01:46 PM
Just a thought, have you thought about checking your span? I found that shortening the span of my balls really helped me with wrist pain that I was developing.

Wow, funny you mention that vdub. I just recently went for a cortisone injection in my hand/wrist. All this pain started a little after a month after a got a new ball drilled. The only change? I had the PSO widen the span because I thought it might just "feel" better laying more flush in the palm of my hand. Wrong. That little difference accounted for more and more strain on the wrist and back of hand. Luckily I have a Hyper Cell Fused still in the box ready to be punched up.

09-29-2018, 10:36 PM
Do you use grips in your finger holes?

10-03-2018, 02:23 PM
Do you use grips in your finger holes?

I do. Just the regular oval ones. No power lifts or anything.

10-04-2018, 10:11 PM
I do. Just the regular oval ones. No power lifts or anything.

Yeah, I prefer regular ovals as well. How tight do you like them? Could going up or down half a size on the grips possibly help?

10-10-2018, 06:25 PM
Yeah, I prefer regular ovals as well. How tight do you like them? Could going up or down half a size on the grips possibly help?

Possibly. Not sure what the science behind that would be. Mine aren't overly tight. Snug would best describe the fit.

10-10-2018, 08:35 PM
Over the last 5-6 years, the flexibility in my fingers has been decreasing. I had 0 pitch in the middle finger and 1/8 away in the ring. Had some pain in my hand when I would bowl more then 4 or 5 games. Got fit again and went to 1/2 away in the middle finger and 1/2 away in the ring. I've started having pain in my wrist again and a little worse then before. Also, my span was shorten a 1/4 inch. How much of an effect would finger pitches have on my wrist pain and how much pitch is to much? Would going to 1 inch of pitch be realistic and how would it change my roll???

Here's the specs.

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g203/edpup316/Span.jpg (http://s57.photobucket.com/user/edpup316/media/Span.jpg.html)

I would say you should have your entire grip checked and refit. Looking at your spec sheet, Unless you have a really big hand your span looks very stretched. The spans are pretty long almost 5", I have a big hand and my spans are only a little over 4".

You can check your span yourself to see how close it is like this.:

With your thumb inserted in the thumb hole and laying your fingers across the holes and your hand relaxed, the half way point between the first and second joint should be at the gripping edge of the hole. If your using inserts it's the gripping edge of the insert not the drilled hole.


Then Just to double check,

With your thumb in the hole and fingers laying across the holes, hold the ball like your going to roll it. So that it settles into your hand, then without moving your hand.


Rotate the ball back up so you can see where the edge of the holes are in relation to the midpoint between the two joints. (or get a picture form below like this one.)

A stretched span with a lot of reverse was common years ago and it's probably causing you to grip harder, putting a lot of tension in your hand and wrist. If you shorten your spans you can go to more forward pitch in your thumb, which will let you hang on to the ball easier which will let you relax your grip some.

The flexibility in my hand changed over the years and caused me problems until I realized and shortened my span and changed pitches. I have a 1/8" forward in my thumb hole now and 5/8" reverse pitch in my fingers.