View Full Version : A big milestone for me

10-02-2018, 11:35 PM
I am almost a year into my bowling adventure and I hit a second milestone. I just got my first 600 series.

I have been practicing (with a purpose) quite a bit and was thinking to myself that tonight it would be great to finally hit this mark. It was iffy and I got it the ugly way. My average in this league is a 165 but, I know that I can bowl better than this when I focus. The first game I hit a 188. The second game was a 199 (thanks to some open frames on my part). The third game, I start out with two strikes and then gutter to start the third frame. I picked up the spare and changed balls. Then get spares for the next two frames and I am at a 97. I then bowl 5 strikes in a row, including striking to open then tenth frame. My next ball is a 7, leaving a split. I pick up 2 of the remaining pins. I look up and I've bowled a 233.

My next goal is, obviously, a 700 series but, considering that less than a year ago, bowling a 400 series was a challenge, I'm going to enjoy this moment, if only for tonight.

10-03-2018, 11:39 AM
Nice work! 599 is still my best.

Florida Bowler
10-03-2018, 12:17 PM
Nice series! My best is a 656, though I have not broken 500 since coming back. Yesterday I didn't even break 400.

Keep at it, at your rate you'll get to 700 in no time.

10-03-2018, 02:10 PM
Congrats. Keep it up. The first time you get one the 2nd and 3rd times are much easier to get. I've gotten close to a 700 series a few times the last few years and I finally got my first 700 series this summer, then 3 weeks later I got another one.

10-03-2018, 02:16 PM
Way to go! Pretty soon 6xx will be old hat just like 5xx was. Congrats! Keep up the good work.

10-09-2018, 11:09 PM
Well, I got my second 600 series but, this time, I wasn't as ecstatic. I bowled a 228, a 235 and...a 160. I guess it was because I was really wanting a 700. However, given that my one-year anniversary as a bowler is coming up in about 1.5 weeks, I'm happy with the progress I am making. I only wish I hadn't waited until my 47th year of life before taking up this sport.