View Full Version : 3 step approach?

10-16-2018, 11:56 PM
Any negatives to a 3 step approach? I take a 4 step now and on my 2nd step almost come to a stop. My issue is my ball speed is too fast and my knee has been taking a beating. My speed is about 1-1.5 MPH faster than most in my league. There are others that are at the same speed as me but I am jarring my knee on my 'slide' step. I have tried slowing my speed but nothing has worked so far. My ball hooks pretty good even with the speed so I'm sure it would hook much more if I slowed it down but even more it would save my knee and maybe give me more consistency in hitting my mark. Going to practice it at home here this week a little to see how it feels. I know it will be awkward for awhile but just thinking it might help my game.

Part of my issue is after my knee starts getting sore I baby it and it definitely affects my release and follow through. Tonight I had an S10 sole and was a little off balance and fell at the line (knee barely touched but did tweak it in the process). After that I was very cautious on my release worrying about falling again. I ended up putting the S8 on just in case.

Currently I start my approach with my heels on the 2nd set of dots so I would have to move forward about another foot or so for a 3 step. My first step is slow and short. I know this will affect my timing but I'm sure it isn't that great either right now.

10-17-2018, 05:33 AM
I really think that you are at a point where you need to find a qualified coach to get to the root of your problem. Without seeing you bowl, I would guess that your problem is in your timing; that's the thing that is putting the pressure on your knee. Going to a three step approach will just make your timing later, which will put even more strain on your knee. When your bowling threatens to damage your body is the time when you need to bite the bullet, pay the money, and get some qualified help. Good luck!

10-17-2018, 07:48 AM
Given that RobLV1 is a coach (did I get that right?), I would defer to him. I actually found an S9 sole too slick but, with my s8 sole, I was having a problem jarring my knees on a 4-step approach. I went to a 5-step and, I think it's helping me better my timing. I used to stop about 12-18 inches in front of the foul line. Now, I am sliding (and I am not a little guy).

But, as Rob mentioned, a coach does wonders.

10-17-2018, 09:17 AM
Rob is a coach and probably the best judge here of that. I've never seen a bowler use a three step consistently well. the three step is very difficult to master for proper timing the ball would have to start first which is very difficult to do. If your having any issues at all with the timing of a 4 step approach changing to a three step will only make them worse.

10-17-2018, 10:41 AM
Get a coach to help because any info you get on line without the person seeing you might make it worse. With out seeing you throw the ball no one knows. Even you would be surprised seeing what you look like when throwing the ball.

10-17-2018, 01:20 PM
Yeah obviously doing something wrong here. My average was 20 pins higher when I quit in 2002 (193 then vs. 171 now). Knew it might take awhile to get back to that but I'm not making any progress. My teammate that I have always bowled with even commented last night that I never used to miss single pin spares (or hardly any spares). Now I miss easy ones. Missed a 2 pin last night and I am a lefty??? Seriously?

I don't remember these issues 15 years ago but I was also 15 years younger and about 30lbs lighter. Just seem to be so inconsistent now. I'm sure you guys are right that it is a timing issue. Last night I tried a 3 step approach in my living room but started thinking through the process and wondering if a 5 step might help more? My timing seems to be a little late and I am rushing my arm to catch up. Thinking a 5 step will slow my arm movement down? Will try that in my living room to see how it feels.

Don't know of any coaches around here and have never heard of anyone using one in this area. But then again we are all just league bowlers so not many are willing to spend the $$$ for a fun league thing. Since it is starting to cause injury then I would consider it for that reason. I mean I just spent $150 on better shoes to try to help...lol

Florida Bowler
10-17-2018, 01:41 PM
How long have you been back? Be patient. I'm coming back as well. My average used to be about 175 with a strong spare game. But that was years ago. I started bowling again over the summer and have joined a fall league. My average is below 145 and I'm also missing easy spares. Last night, I was so close to my first 500 series of the season. I had about 8 or 9 frames where I left one pin wobbling and another couple where I just missed and I'm surprised that the pin didn't wobble.

It took a long time for me to get my average that high. It's not going to take me that long to get back there, but it will take some time. Nights like last night are frustrating, but I'm going to just keep plugging away. My body is finally starting to remember how to bowl.

10-17-2018, 03:08 PM
Yeah obviously doing something wrong here. My average was 20 pins higher when I quit in 2002 (193 then vs. 171 now). Knew it might take awhile to get back to that but I'm not making any progress. My teammate that I have always bowled with even commented last night that I never used to miss single pin spares (or hardly any spares). Now I miss easy ones. Missed a 2 pin last night and I am a lefty??? Seriously?

I don't remember these issues 15 years ago but I was also 15 years younger and about 30lbs lighter. Just seem to be so inconsistent now. I'm sure you guys are right that it is a timing issue. Last night I tried a 3 step approach in my living room but started thinking through the process and wondering if a 5 step might help more? My timing seems to be a little late and I am rushing my arm to catch up. Thinking a 5 step will slow my arm movement down? Will try that in my living room to see how it feels.

Don't know of any coaches around here and have never heard of anyone using one in this area. But then again we are all just league bowlers so not many are willing to spend the $$$ for a fun league thing. Since it is starting to cause injury then I would consider it for that reason. I mean I just spent $150 on better shoes to try to help...lol

What city are you in? Maybe we can help.

5 Step is a better idea than 3 step believe me

10-17-2018, 03:45 PM
I left around 2002 and started back this past January so plenty of time to get re-acclimated in my opinion. I must be pretty consistent because I have been around 170-175 average since I came back and ave only had 1 600. That tells me not many outliers. So consistently bad....lol

I'm just north of Pittsburgh, PA

10-17-2018, 07:19 PM
Go to the USBC website: Bowl.com, and look under "Find A..." Coach. Enter your zip code and it will tell you the Certified Coaches in your area.

10-17-2018, 09:54 PM
Go to the USBC website: Bowl.com, and look under "Find A..." Coach. Enter your zip code and it will tell you the Certified Coaches in your area.

Thanks Rob! Found 2 within 20 miles of me...lol. One would likely bowl at our center as that would be the closest to their town. One is a level 1 and the other is a bronze level. I wouldn't consider myself that green but I think my problem is the basics so might even be better. I looked within 50 miles and didn't recognize any of the names but that's fine.

Been reading up on approach and timing and will see if anything triggers in my head but if not then might be calling a coach! But the more I read and think about it I'd say 95% that my issue is timing. I do know my slide foot gets to the line before my ball and I am using my arm muscles to catch up, causing the speed increase. Now to figure out how to fix it.

10-18-2018, 12:18 AM
Personally, I'd go with the Bronze level. Level One is concerned with teaching rank beginners who are just starting out. Bronze would be a better fit for you.

10-23-2018, 10:48 AM
Thanks Rob! Found 2 within 20 miles of me...lol. One would likely bowl at our center as that would be the closest to their town. One is a level 1 and the other is a bronze level. I wouldn't consider myself that green but I think my problem is the basics so might even be better. I looked within 50 miles and didn't recognize any of the names but that's fine.

Been reading up on approach and timing and will see if anything triggers in my head but if not then might be calling a coach! But the more I read and think about it I'd say 95% that my issue is timing. I do know my slide foot gets to the line before my ball and I am using my arm muscles to catch up, causing the speed increase. Now to figure out how to fix it.

if you can make the trip the guy at Coral Lanes in West Mifflin is a coach for CCAC and a silver level i believe

10-23-2018, 02:51 PM
Agree with Rob, definitely seek out the Bronze level coach. Level 1 coaching is mainly to show the very base level of skills and other social aspects. As for the comment of taking some time to try and figure it out on your own by reading up on some things just remember that you will not be able to see yourself in the 3rd person unless you video. Also, many times what you feel is not what is happening. You are dealing with knee problems that can lead to something much more serious and doesn't limit itself to bowling.

10-23-2018, 10:50 PM
Experimented tonight with my approach and felt really weird and not good results. 3rd frame of game 1 a fellow lefty came over to see what he could see. He is a 225ish bowler and on that ball it was a perfect shot. What I ended up doing was moving back about 18" on my approach and taking longer steps. I think what I was doing was taking too short of steps and getting too far ahead of my feet at the release. Felt much better tonight. Also started the ball motion a little earlier to get my timing a little better. Definite improvement tonight. Missed a bunch of spares but I hit the pocket consistently, only got off balance and hopped a few times and knee feels much better.

EDIT: one thing the fellow bowler said was my timing was just a little late but not enough to be an issue so will work on that. I'm still using too much arm to get the ball going. Last night I was well into the 17 MPH range all night but balance at the line wasn't much of an issue.

EDIT 2: Same fellow bowler also said the shot for lefties is really hard this year for some reason. He didn't elaborate but just said him and about 3 other top lefties in our league are down about 20 pins this year. Said if you miss to the inside you hit high and miss to the outside and it doesn't come back. Said it is a very fine line for us lefties this year. He did say my teammate was an exception because of his line. He throws the 10 board and high rev but never gets outside the 10 board. This fellow bowler has a similar line to mine but way more revs and a little more speed. But he is around the 5 board and straight down with a hard turn at the end. Similarities pretty much end with the 5 board and my ball turning about 5' before his...lol

172 (7 strikes and no spares)

Average now is 172.63

Will keep this thread updated. Hoping once I get more comfortable with this my scores come up.