View Full Version : Track over fingers

10-22-2018, 12:35 PM
Ever since I transitioned from bowling with 2 fingers (single hand) to a traditional 3 finger my track has been pretty high and now I've noticed that there is some cracking around the right fingerhole (I'm a lefty)

Pro shop guy took a slo-mo video of my release and I noticed that my release is still a bit of a "side carry" and my arm is not completely straight until I push the ball away/ release.

Is it more my release or drilling or both? Is staying "behind the ball" the best advice?

When i focus on keeping my arm straight/ elbow locked out, I feel like I can't hold onto the ball comfortably.

I am trying to stay behind the ball in the video, normally my hand is more on the side of the ball.


10-28-2018, 08:31 PM
From watching the video i can't see anything that you are doing that would cause this.

With that said, i don't know everything!!! But i would suspect that the layout could be the problem. I say this because from all my extensive testing, i have had some layouts that caused my bowling ball to track over my finger holes. some caused the ball to track over the thumb hole. So i know from experience that the layout can cause this!!

i can release the ball back up style or end over end roll, or 45 degree rotation or 90 degree rotation and in between all of those. But yes the layout can cause the ball to track over the fingers in my opinion based on my testing and experience.

It would be nice to see a picture of the layout on that bowling ball so that i could see the possible cause, meaning where the ball is tracking, and where the bowtie's are?

If i drill a bowling ball 90* x 21/4 x 45* ... it will track over my finger holes!!!

Note: I also track high using traditional 3 finger...

10-30-2018, 01:34 PM

10-31-2018, 12:22 PM
That is confusing for sure. I was expecting some trick layout where the pin position was causing the bowties to intersect too close to the finger holes, such as having the pin down too low...meaning i can us about any layout but when the layout puts the pin in a strong position such as leverage but the pin is lower than normal as some of Mo Pinels extreme control type layouts or any variant similar, or like if a right handed bowler has the ball drilled full roller for a left hander but is throwing the ball right handed...in odd situations like that it can be expected, but watching the video and then seeing how these are set up then it must be your release even though your release looks fine on the video. I have had it happen to me a few times but i thought it was due to the pin placement being to one extreme or the other, but maybe i was wrong...

The red ball in the center should not track over your fingers. But the far left ball if the pin is in the middle finger instead of ring finger then I can see it doing that. The ball on far right if the pin is in the middle finger rather than ring finger i can see it tracking over the finger holes. I only say this as I did put a left handed layout on my ball once as i need a strong ball but wanted it to be weak enough layout wise to still use it on low volume oil, and the result was that it worked great but did track over my middle finger hole.

I plugged the ball and moved the pin up above and to the left of the finger holes on the new drilling, and it moved the bowtie up enough that it stopped it from tracking over the finger holes. But then what works for one may be different for another due to difference in pap/axis tilt ...etc

All you can do is experiment with the layouts until you get the ball to stop tracking over the fingers.

Note: Even though the layout and release may not be the problem, if the lanes are too dry for the type ball being used it can cause the ball to check up too early too soon and can cause the ball to roll over the finger holes.

Seriously I would contact Mo Pinel and show him this and see what his solution is...

10-31-2018, 03:03 PM
The GB3 is actually drilled for a righty, its the pro shop guys, the pin is in the left finger hole. The Verdict has the pin in the right finger hole (PS guy wanted to "experiment" lol)

How would I go about contacting Mo? Email or FB?

10-31-2018, 03:47 PM
How would I go about contacting Mo? Email or FB?

Face book: Radicalmop

Email: mopeymagic@gmail.com

11-12-2018, 02:59 PM
I emailed Mo, haven't received a response although I didn't expect one.

My PSO and I have been working on changing my release. He noticed that on my swing that my arm was extended completely but once my arm follows through to the point of release my arm is slightly bent which makes it appear that I'm pushing the ball. He has tried to get me to keep my arm "locked out" or keep it straight, this is a bit difficult obviously since I'm so used to one way of doing it. I can't seem to keep my hand behind the ball when I do this and I feel as though I'm releasing the ball on top of it which gives me little to no hook.

I didn't know my PAP prior to this thread b/c the PSO said "they owned it", still makes me shake my head but I have obtained it.
5 3/8" over by 1/8" down (seems like a weird one lol)

Here is a slo-mo from the side of my "normal" approach and release:


11-12-2018, 03:00 PM
Here is a slo-mo of a coached approach and release, focus on keeping my arm straight throughout:


11-14-2018, 12:49 PM
Just my non expert $.02.

Looks as though you are behind the ball a bit too much on your pre-coaching video.

https://image.ibb.co/d6mELL/Capture.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

I am not saying what your PSO is saying is incorrect, but you seem to be dumping the ball with no continuation on the release. Doesn't appear that much rotation is occurring when you release the ball.

11-14-2018, 12:51 PM
My advice is to go to Bowlingchat.net, they have coaching section of the forum there and some great coaches that respond pretty regularly.


11-14-2018, 03:09 PM
My advice is to go to Bowlingchat.net, they have coaching section of the forum there and some great coaches that respond pretty regularly.


I agree with this comment. I also am a member over there, lots of helpful people and coaching advice.

11-14-2018, 03:43 PM