View Full Version : Bowling can be a cruel sport!!

11-13-2018, 01:15 AM
You ever have one of those games you feel like you're throwing it well but if you miss a little you pay for it with splits? My first game tonight in league was like that. Everything was either a strike or nine count, I missed my mark by about 2 boards on 3 shots and all splits that I didn't convert so I finished with a 171 game. Overall I finished with a 609 series, 171, 223 and 215 so I had a decent night but the cruel thing was the other team had a 150-160 avg bowler but he's one of those spray and pray type bowlers. I kid you not, his break point tonight was anywhere from the 2 board to about the 18th board and he carried everything. Brooklyn strikes, through the nose strikes, strikes that his ball would come back from the gutter.

So frustrating when I see him miss his mark by about 5 or 6 boards and somehow he still strikes, while I miss a little and get splits. The dude finished with a 637 series and I think I heard him mention that was his high series. Needless to say my team lost all 3 games.

11-13-2018, 10:27 AM
Yes, Jason, too many weeks to count that this type of stuff happens. LOL!!

The guy that has strikes from all over seems to show up every week against our teams. Like you, I can be a board or 2 off and get no carry. Doh!!

11-13-2018, 02:57 PM
I seem to be a magnet for these types of players. Last month, bowled against a team with a woman in her 60's. Her average was around 140. She hit the 170's in her first game, 190+ (I believe) in her second game and a 215 in her third. Then, for two weeks at the end of last month and the beginning of this month, both teams we bowled against did this to my team in my other league. It felt like something out of a movie.