View Full Version : bam bam

11-14-2018, 11:52 AM
When I throw my bowling ball on to the lane it makes a bam bam sound. The synthetic lane panel will drop down and bounce back up causing the bowling ball to bounce up on the lane about 1 to 2 inches up in the air & it always bounces twice. I am not doing anything different than at any other center where it does not do this.

My question is why is this happening? Did the center owner try to save money by not having the lane bed built properly?
Has anyone else seen this happen before?

All input is welcome.

11-15-2018, 01:21 PM
Never had the issue of the lane bed actually coming up like you describe, but it seems like the lanes were not properly secured.

11-15-2018, 01:44 PM
Has anyone else seen this happen before?

Yes I have seen it happen at a center over in Memphis,TN when we went to the
state tournament a few years ago. You could throw the ball out onto the lanes
and it would bounce several boards over in one direction or the other.

I'd hit say board 10 and it might bounce over to board 15,16,17 or over the other
way to board 5 or 6. The one guy that was with us sat the ball down very smooth
and his bounced all the way over and into the right gutter as he played the first

The center was built over a basement with no supporting beams under the lanes
to sturdy them up is what I was told by the center Mgr. so it's safe to say I haven't
been back to that center in quite a few years.

11-16-2018, 06:11 PM
Glad i'm not the only one to see this. It was at a new center, but i had never seen that before. I figured they must have tried to save money by not putting enough support underneath.