View Full Version : bouncing ball

11-21-2018, 08:13 AM
Last night about 4 or 5 times my ball hit before the foul line and bounced. Never had this happen before and am assuming the ball was falling off my hand? It didn't feel any different than any other shots and I was surprised by it. Is this an indication that I should have probably put a piece of tape in? I have NEVER used tape in my 20+ year bowling career. These shots didn't feel any different than any others but the roll was obviously different. No revs when this happened.

11-21-2018, 09:16 AM
Yeah, it fell off your hand. Try a piece in the front, or some Magic Carpet in the back.

11-21-2018, 09:27 AM
Last night about 4 or 5 times my ball hit before the foul line and bounced. Never had this happen before and am assuming the ball was falling off my hand? It didn't feel any different than any other shots and I was surprised by it. Is this an indication that I should have probably put a piece of tape in? I have NEVER used tape in my 20+ year bowling career. These shots didn't feel any different than any others but the roll was obviously different. No revs when this happened.

A double dribble typically happens when you release the ball into the lane (too steep a angle), not on to it (like landing a plane).

This happens usually because your releasing the ball a little early, so your timing could have been off (early timing) or yes you could have been just dropping those times.

Also if your up too high it could happen, which more kneebend can help with that.

Now what was the cause at that exact moment? You have determine.

If it was just coming off your thumb early and it happens again, try blowing some warm air into the thumbhole (you can see this happen in some videos of the pros). This gets a little moisture in the hole and it hangs on your thumb better. If it stops then you know and then you can decide if you want to add tape of some knid.

11-21-2018, 10:16 AM
Good to know. I was using the same equipment I had been using. Not sure if it was a timing thing or not but that might make more sense since it only happened a few times. I would think if it was a thumb fit issue it would have happened more often but will see if it happens next week. Been trying to work on my timing as I have been late and swinging my arm harder at the release to try to catch up.

11-21-2018, 10:51 AM
Good to know. I was using the same equipment I had been using. Not sure if it was a timing thing or not but that might make more sense since it only happened a few times. I would think if it was a thumb fit issue it would have happened more often but will see if it happens next week. Been trying to work on my timing as I have been late and swinging my arm harder at the release to try to catch up.

Dont swing your arm harder trying to catch up that leads to problems, Try just getting the ball started earlier.

You can also try Holding the ball higher or lower in your stance to affect your timing.

11-21-2018, 11:28 AM
Dont swing your arm harder trying to catch up that leads to problems, Try just getting the ball started earlier.

You can also try Holding the ball higher or lower in your stance to affect your timing.

I have tried that. I hold the ball just above waist high and have moved back on the approach. This has helped but I can't slow my arm swing. Been trying and just can't do it. My speed at the pins reads about 17.7 to 18.2 on average. I will get a few in there a little closer to 17.0 but never lower that that. As for the accuracy of their sensors who knows but the others on my team read about 15.5 max and there aren't many that are faster than me. I don't like it and wish I could slow it down but haven't been able to. We did add another teammate for subbing and to get his games in he will be filling in alternate weeks and when it's my turn to sit I plan to practice at the other end of the center and work on my speed and release.

11-23-2018, 12:28 AM
Another possibility to slow yourself down that has worked for me is taking a smaller first step

11-23-2018, 10:29 AM
Another possibility to slow yourself down that has worked for me is taking a smaller first step

Pretty sure I tried that too but plan on going out to practice and my main objective will be my speed and timing. Won't care about scores