View Full Version : League Medical Leave

11-30-2018, 10:22 AM
If a bowler is going to be out for an extended time due to a medical problem and is planning on coming back, is their a USBC rule for that? I can not seem to find on their website and no search I enter brings me any results.
I know that we can use a sub for the member, but they cannot bowl in position rounds. Our league decided to have two position rounds back to back. Don't see anything in the league bylaws that address the issue.

11-30-2018, 10:40 AM
What is an extended time? I never ran into this because we don't have subs. We have 8 man rosters for a 5 man team. At the end of the half they must have bowled 9 games for the roll off and 18 at the end of the year.
USBC has lots of rules but when you have a question you might as well get a magic 8 ball. Their search is awful.
Maybe you can drop the bowler and add another then see if they will let you drop the new one and read the old. So many leagues have rule that affect the bowlers. Probably why they have problems keeping full.
By the way I have never seen any rule that covers your problem.

11-30-2018, 10:58 AM
Agree with fordman, see if they'll let you drop the bowler off the roster and replace with a sub until they're ready to come back. It's likely not going to be spelled out specifically in the bylaws, but there (should) be some flexibility around it.

11-30-2018, 12:06 PM
We just went over a similar scenario the other day. We added a sub a couple weeks ago just in case somebody is sick/vacation, etc. You are required to have 21 games in to bowl in playoffs. What we are doing is every other week our sub is bowling and we are taking turns sitting out so he can have his games in by season end. Next Tuesday our regular 5 will bowl then on the 11th I will sit out so the sub can bowl but it turns out the 11th is 1st half divisional position round. I asked if there was a minimum game requirement for 1st half position and was told that only applies for season end position rounds and rolloffs.

11-30-2018, 01:25 PM
If a bowler is going to be out for an extended time due to a medical problem and is planning on coming back, is their a USBC rule for that? I can not seem to find on their website and no search I enter brings me any results.
I know that we can use a sub for the member, but they cannot bowl in position rounds. Our league decided to have two position rounds back to back. Don't see anything in the league bylaws that address the issue.

A lot would depend on what you have in your league rules.

(Note: Floating Sub's and roster members are not the same thing.
and roster size and playing strength are two different things)

If your league doesn't have a limit on roster size or your team hasn't met it, All you have to do is add the replacement to your team roster. This makes them a regular member of your team and not a sub., this would allow them to bowl when the other player is out and on position rounds. Unless your league rules require a regular bowler to have 21 games (or other number) to be eligible to bowl in the position round then that would have to be meet first.

Rule 100a, Item 1(b) indicates the league decides the team playing strength, but each team is allowed to determine if there will be additional members, unless league rules limit the roster. If your league did not adopt a rule limiting each team to five members, additional member(s) could be added to the team roster.


The player with the med. problem can temporarily drop out and the other player can replace them which would make them a regular team member, until the other player is ready to return. Then the replacement would dropout and the now healthy player can rejoin the team.

"Rule 114 - Withdrawals/Resignations"


you could just use a sub for the regular games and a absentee score on position rounds.