View Full Version : Do you use a standard layout or have you tried other layouts.....

12-02-2018, 12:56 PM
I guess it would depend on what kind of balls you use or how good you are. I use a standard layout on both of my bowling balls. Would special layouts be more for pro bowlers? How is it figured what kind of layout is good for anyone? Does it depend on what kind of balls you use and where you bowl league?

12-02-2018, 02:40 PM
A good PSO will tailor your layout to the way you roll the ball. Once you have one or two layouts that work for you, stick with them. Most standard layouts are designed just to stay out of the way, not to help you.

12-02-2018, 07:48 PM
hmmmm. i assume when you say layouts you are referring to the 50x3x40 type numbers i see posted? I have no idea what mine is as my PSO has never checked any of that

12-11-2018, 12:29 PM
Boatman, those are the numbers they are referring to. They could be different on every ball you throw, it is not a "static" number like PAP, rev rate, speed, etc that are not ball dependent. As Rob said, and in other sources I have seen, generally once you find a few that work well for you (I am personally looking to have 2-3) stick with them and it will make ball choices and adjustments easier.