View Full Version : A bowling rage story

01-04-2019, 03:57 PM
I see a lot of people rage at the bowling center as many of us have. We recently had one that was a standout above the rest thus far. We have the entire incident on camera. The man goes up, throws his first ball and comes back. He throws his second and comes back but stops at the ball rack as if he had another turn. He picks up two balls, takes a step toward the lane one in each hand then throws them both at the same time.

He comes back, stops and picks up yet another ball. This time... he turns toward the lane with the ball on his shoulder and shot puts the ball upward smashing straight into the center of the score shattering monitor to bits. The ball slams straight down to the floor, he calmly walks back, grabs his drink and sits down as if nothing ever happened. The looks on the faces of the other people on the pair of lanes was priceless, they were all just in shock.

Now this was not an open bowler or a stranger to our establishment. This was during a league he did this. Odd thing was, he didn't have any kind of a good game going. There was no pots or money he was going to lose, well not then. He was going to lose $500 for the cost of replacing the monitor which he did. He came in the next day, gave us the money and went on his way. He had no explanation other than he was drinking Jack and he shouldn't have. Poor Jack gets blamed for so many things.

I figured I'd share, bowling rages are always fun.

01-04-2019, 04:37 PM
Step father used to golf and told me of a story about a guy they golfed with (he didn't know the guy that well). They get to the club and the guy asks how much a golf kart costs. They give him a price so out they go. A few holes in the guy hits a bad shot, gets mad and drives the kart into the pond....lol. They had no idea he was going to do it and no idea why he asked about the price of the kart...lol

My teammate got mad and kicked the steel support pole on his way back from the approach last week and hurt his toe. Bowled the whole 3rd game limping and dragging his foot sideways so he didn't put pressure on his toe. His dad is on our team too and was calling him Igor. Funny thing is he bowled his best game of the night that way....lol (225). He had a 300 the week before. Anyway, we went out to practice the other night. He was still limping and said he bought new bowling shoes. I told him i hoped they were steel toed...lol

01-04-2019, 07:48 PM
Gotta post the video. LOL!!

01-04-2019, 08:08 PM
Lets see, in a drunken rage he was throwing other peoples balls down the lane and using them to destroy the houses property.

Did or will the league throw him off the league? Was he banned from the house? and was anyones balls damaged, did he offer to have them repaired or replaced?

or did just coming in an throwing some money on the desk and saying I was drunk make it good for everyone?

01-04-2019, 09:46 PM
Perhaps this rage guy had a bet with someone in the league that he wouldn't pull such a stunt for something higher than $500 and he won the bet...

01-05-2019, 02:23 AM
That's crazy, if I were the president or secretary of the league I would have banned him. No excuse for that kind of behavior.

01-05-2019, 02:45 AM
Lets see, in a drunken rage he was throwing other peoples balls down the lane and using them to destroy the houses property.

Did or will the league throw him off the league? Was he banned from the house? and was anyones balls damaged, did he offer to have them repaired or replaced?

or did just coming in an throwing some money on the desk and saying I was drunk make it good for everyone?

Yes he was banned from the league and the bowling center AFTER he paid for the replacement monitor. In no way is that acceptable. For what it's worth he wasn't throwing other people's personal balls, they were all house balls. No significant damage occurred to them.

I cannot upload the video unfortunately because it's part of the security system. Believe me I'd love nothing more than to put that on YouTube. =)

@ Boatman - Steel toed bowling shoes!! LMAO Priceless comeback! That there was the funniest comments I've seen you make! =)

01-05-2019, 03:20 PM
That is a funny story but the sad side is that people with anger management problems mixed with alcohol can get people killed. Family problems, road rage stupid things.

01-05-2019, 07:17 PM
That sounded like it would have been a crazy situation for the other bowlers to see. Thank you for sharing.