View Full Version : Offset thumb?

01-05-2019, 02:34 PM
Has anyone heard or used an offset thumb hole? This is an interesting video about it and I have to admit it makes sense. Makes me want to try it.


01-05-2019, 07:12 PM
I've used one for about 30 years I have one guy I srill for that uses a thumb that is offset 1 3/4 inches

01-05-2019, 10:11 PM
I've used one for about 30 years I have one guy I srill for that uses a thumb that is offset 1 3/4 inches

Do you feel like you have a cleaner release with it? Why did you go to an offset thumb?

01-05-2019, 10:52 PM
yes. It feels a lot better and a cleaner release. I have a short thick hands and it wasn't comfortable putting my thumb in with a regular T grip. My hands are very stiff so i am 1/4 left and 5/16 forward RH

01-06-2019, 07:11 PM
I used to use an offset thumb back years ago when I was younger
and had around a 600+ rev rate but now days I use just a regular
finger/thumb span or as some call it a T grip.

The offset thumb gave me a super clean release that is why I could
create those high rev rates but now days it seems I'm too old and
crunched/stiffened up to throw a ball that way.

I do not remember how much of an offset it was but it was quite a
bit off to the left side of the ball maybe an inch and a half or more
off to the left.

You might as well go ahead and try it you really have nothing to lose
as you can always have the thumb plugged and redrilled if you do not
like the way it feels.

01-08-2019, 07:49 PM
I've been considering doing this. Getting older and my right hand has really stiffened up. Just naturally my thumb meets the left side my index finger and I have a fairly wide hand so I think I'll need quite a bit. Probably start with the spare ball and see how it comes out.

01-08-2019, 11:03 PM
I am definitely going to try it, was going to head over to my pro shop next week to do it but then I thought better of it and I'll wait until league season is over before I experiment. So maybe in June.

01-10-2019, 03:01 PM
It's not really a new concept. I read a book called "Perspective Bowling" by Robert Strickland. It was published in the early '80s. He discussed an offset grip, and how to lay it out. I was thinking of trying it at the time, however my PSO talked me out of it. I think it was because it required him to think. He wasn't a great ball driller. I ended up getting my balls re-drilled because the span was way off.

01-10-2019, 08:54 PM
Since the offset them is drilled on more of an angle vs. more straight up and down, can you use switch grips with them?

01-10-2019, 09:31 PM
yes you can

01-11-2019, 12:08 AM
I broke out my old 90's Ebonite Turbo tonight at league since it was a
urethane ball and the lanes were just right for it and it has the offset
thumb on it and it felt pretty good but kind of weird at the same time.

It seemed to take some of the pressure off of my shoulder but not
enough to really help still didn't bowl all that good my shoulder is
going to have to have something done to it not sure what but it has
to have something done that is for sure.

I might just go back to the offset thumb on the next ball I have drilled
just to give it a try and see what happens with it.

01-12-2019, 01:39 AM
Ok I'm like the kid at Christmas who can't wait for his presents. I was going to wait until summer but I took the plunge and going into the Pro Shop on Monday to drill up 3 balls with an offset. A Radical Intel, Radical Katana Legend and a Storm Mix. I'll let everyone know how it goes, I also have league Monday so depending how it feels, I may use them for league.

01-15-2019, 12:40 AM
So I drilled up 3 balls with an offset thumb today and used it in league tonight. I didn't get a chance to really practice with it so I basically threw it in league for the first time and was above average. 175, 213,218 for a 606 series. I'm currently carrying a 190 avg so I was slightly above average. The 175 game should have been better because I completely whiffed on a 6-10 spare in the 10th frame for an open. That was my only makeable spare miss.

Anyway first impressions, I love it. I do feel like I have a really clean release now, My cuticle on the right side of the thumb is all chewed up from a friction burn on my old grip. With the offset thumb, I felt none of that friction and I felt my thumb timing was much improved. I also felt I was getting a little more revs tonight, there were about 3 balls I threw for splits that I thought were good off my hand but hooked more than I expected because of the increased rev rate. So I'm excited to for the change and really happy I did it.

01-16-2019, 11:35 PM
I'm really loving the offset thumb drilling. It was only moved 1/4 of an inch but what a difference. Thumb timing is something I've always struggled with and I don't think I've ever had the ball come off my hand so clean and consistently. Tonight in my Mixed league I bowled a 680 series, 212,233,235.

01-21-2019, 10:08 AM
I'm really loving the offset thumb drilling. It was only moved 1/4 of an inch but what a difference. Thumb timing is something I've always struggled with and I don't think I've ever had the ball come off my hand so clean and consistently. Tonight in my Mixed league I bowled a 680 series, 212,233,235.

Keep us updated on how you like it. I've been considering it since I have a pretty stiff right hand. I actually have a callus formed at the base of my thumb where it reaches my palm. Not sure if that's normal or not.

01-23-2019, 12:15 PM
Went to a local PSO who I'm starting to trust just to ask him his thoughts on it. Told him that I felt like my thumb getting out of the ball is the biggest issue with my accuracy right now. He suggested that my span was just a touch too long and I should try shortening that up to relax my hand more before going to an "offset" grip. I left one ball with him to do that with so we'll see how it goes.

01-23-2019, 02:05 PM
Went to a local PSO who I'm starting to trust just to ask him his thoughts on it. Told him that I felt like my thumb getting out of the ball is the biggest issue with my accuracy right now. He suggested that my span was just a touch too long and I should try shortening that up to relax my hand more before going to an "offset" grip. I left one ball with him to do that with so we'll see how it goes.

Yeah having a span too long or too short will give you release issues. Hopefully that helps you.