View Full Version : 3 killed, 4 injured in California bowling center shooting....

01-07-2019, 09:26 PM
The worst thing that should happen to you at a bowling alley is doing something stupid and being embarrassed, not this....


01-07-2019, 09:36 PM
Very sad indeed it is getting to the point where you're not
all that safe in your own home much less going out into a
public place just to get shot or shot at. :(

01-07-2019, 09:50 PM
Since they say it stemmed from two large groups my thinking is leaning more toward a gang type thing. I'm not thinking it was a dispute between two teams arguing over one of them lying about crossing the foul line and counting it as a strike. I'm kinda glad we had the guy chucking a ball into the scoring monitor instead of this. If that's the worst kind of person I see in there I'll count my blessings.

01-07-2019, 10:32 PM
Too many guns in this world

01-07-2019, 11:07 PM
Too many idiots in this world. ( the ones shooting the guns )

01-07-2019, 11:26 PM
Too many guns in this world

Too many idiots in this world.
I used to work in law enforcement, my step-son is a detective now, my brother-in-law has been a police officer for over 30 years, and my grandfather was a police officer a very long time ago. Nothing wrong with responsible, law abiding citizens carrying. I agree they are too easy to get.

Very sad situation that has unfortunately become too common.

01-08-2019, 09:31 AM
They arrested someone for the shooting. Still very sad.


01-08-2019, 11:32 AM
You should only be allowed to own a gun that you keep in your home. And not a gun that has a clip that holds 50 rounds. A single shot 22 rifle or shot gun. Hand guns are too easily concealed. Only Law enforcement should be armed.

01-08-2019, 12:55 PM
You should only be allowed to own a gun that you keep in your home. And not a gun that has a clip that holds 50 rounds. A single shot 22 rifle or shot gun. Hand guns are too easily concealed. Only Law enforcement should be armed.
I completely disagree and most law enforcement officers will too. I typed up a long retort but don't want to turn this into a political thing when the post was meant to acknowledge the victims here.

I do agree 100% with the 50 round magazine comment though.

01-08-2019, 11:02 PM
So sad for all the people involved. The victims, their families, and the witnesses, too. All of this is traumatic for anyone involved. But still, guns don't kill people...people kill people.

01-09-2019, 10:59 AM
So sad for all the people involved. The victims, their families, and the witnesses, too. All of this is traumatic for anyone involved. But still, guns don't kill people...people kill people.

Guns don't kill people...people with guns kill people. It is hard to kill someone up close and personnel. Easy from a distance. You know the cowards way.

01-09-2019, 03:34 PM
It all makes me wonder if that bowling center is going to be negatively impacted by this and ultimately close? Granted these things could happen anywhere but could this incident take the bowling center as another casualty? I guess for that we will have to wait and see. Even more sad if it does.