View Full Version : Last night was a disaster on league night.........

01-27-2019, 02:46 PM
I don't know what kind of oil pattern was on our lanes or how old the pattern was. I used my reactive ball for my strike ball and no matter how I threw it I couldn't get lined up for good carry and strikes. I was able to save the game somewhat by getting two strikes and a seven count in the tenth frame. That tenth frame let me get a 142 game. Game two was a disaster. I couldn't get my reactive ball from hooking too much. I was getting lousy leaves that I couldn't pick up for spares. So I went to my urethane ball and couldn't get anything good to happen. In game two I ended up with two spares and the rest opens for a mind boggling 98. In the third game I went back to my reactive and tried different approach adjustments but my reactive was just hooking wildly. I started with three opens. So I figured that I am just going to play the deepest I ever have and see if I could control the hook that way. I don't have an approach because of knee trouble so I just walk up to the foul line and make my adjustment. So what I did I put my right foot even with the ridge that separates the gutters. I knew when I threw the ball from that deep I was going to need more revs to bring the ball back from around board seven to the pocket. I am left handed by the way. So I got set up and swung the ball three times and then bellied it out to the left gutter area around board seven. At the release I would turn my hand about two inches from behind the ball to get more revs when my ball hand reached my ankle area or a little forward from there. I couldn't believe it worked on the first throw. I noticed I had more revs doing this and the ball came back strong to the pocket for a strike. I did the same thing in the fifth frame and got a Brooklyn strike. So from frame six to the end of the game I was doing the same thing playing that deep. I got spares in frames six through nine. I was doing so good playing that deep that in the tenth frame I added a little extra to the shot and hit the head pin too high and had only two pins standing in the middle of the alley. When I went to pick them up I didn't throw the ball far enough to the left gutter and I got a hard hook that missed the two pins to the right. So I ended up with a 148 game which could have been worse if I didn't make that very deep adjustment.

I never thought that I would ever be able to play that deep and have the ball come back to the pocket strong like it did. It worked on the nerves a little because when I threw it out to the left gutter I didn't know if the ball would grab enough to come back or go sliding into the gutter. Just turning my hand about two inches at the release gave me enough revs to make this work. This was the deepest I have ever played in my 33 years in this league. I thought that this kind of thing only works for the crankers. I showed that it can work for a guy like me. It was really fun playing that deep. Now I know I can do it if my reactive is hooking too much from my normal spot on the approach. The deepest I would go was put the arch of my right food on board 32. So I am not a cranker but playing that deep worked for me. I know these weren't great scores and maybe some of you folks think that this post wasn't worth while. When I was bowling normally I would carry an average from 176 to a 188. My highest was a 191 average at one time. It is just a little hard to get used to my limitations now with the scores that I get. But I didn't want to give up bowling and just accept what scores I get now. My highest score bowling like this was a 172. So I can get good scores but not that often. That is why I have a 128 average at this time. It is still fun for me though.

01-27-2019, 03:18 PM
Sometimes all we can do is try to do better next week. I miss my 186 avg. But at least I am not in recliner not bowling,LOL

01-30-2019, 07:01 PM
Last league night, I got my ball stuck on my thumb, and launched it halfway to the ceiling. Entire room stops and gasps, and I’ve never been more humiliated.

It could be worse. ;)

02-01-2019, 08:12 PM
Yeah, don’t sweat it. Sometimes you just have a bad night. Guy I bowled with last week had the front 6, and then dumped the next two throws in the ditch. I felt bad, but it just happens.