View Full Version : Wrist Tendinitis

02-19-2019, 12:28 PM
So during league last week I noticed that the inside of my wrist (mainly on the inside portion where my pinky and ring finger tendons go through) was hurting a bit and the next day it was REALLY sore. I have self diagnosed it as tendinitis. It's gotten better everyday since but is not gone entirely. I'm debating if I should try and bowl this Thursday or sit out a week. If I do try and bowl can I tape up my wrist up or anything to try and protect it from happening again?

02-19-2019, 12:50 PM
Sorry to hear. If it hurts enough to be more than a minor nuisance, I would skip bowling for a week. If anything, I would use a wrist support.

Might also be a good time for a fit check with your PSO.

02-19-2019, 03:39 PM
Might also be a good time for a fit check with your PSO.

I actually just had the thumb hole moved in just a touch a few weeks ago to shorten my span up at the advice of my PSO. Last week in bowling I could not get one of the lanes figured out so I tried putting more speed on the ball, which worked in that I started striking but i'm almost positive that it also caused the strain in the tendon/s.

02-20-2019, 01:44 AM
You could try a piece of kinesiology tape about an inch from the joint to help with that. I've had tendonitis in my wrist for a while. My span had been checked by a couple of PSOs and it's where it should be. I finally moved to 15 lb equipment, and haven't had any issues with it at all.

02-20-2019, 09:40 AM
You might want to try a wrister type brace. You can get them in places like walmart cheap.


02-20-2019, 01:32 PM
Think I'm gonna go lefty tomorrow night. I already know that I will miss next week so that should give my right wrist 3 weeks to heal up hopefully.

02-20-2019, 02:21 PM
Think I'm gonna go lefty tomorrow night. I already know that I will miss next week so that should give my right wrist 3 weeks to heal up hopefully.

Just so you know, if your planning on bowling lefty in league. You just can't up and switch hands, you have to get permission from the league and you'll have to reestablish your average.

So if your just going to do it that one night, you might as well just sit the night out.

118e. Establish New Average due to Change in Delivery
If because of injury or disability a bowler finds it necessary to change delivery from right- to left-handed or vice-versa, the league board of directors, by majority vote, may permit the bowler to change delivery. If approval is obtained, the bowler must establish a new average.

Commonly Asked Question – Rule 118e.
118e/1 I hurt my bowling hand and was granted permission to use the other hand. Once my bowling hand is better, what do I have to do before I can go back to using my regular bowling hand?
You must get permission from the board to return to the original hand you started the league with.

02-20-2019, 07:05 PM
We won a game by forfeit, when an opposing right hander decided to shoot the 10 pin left handed. Run it past the league officers.

02-21-2019, 09:10 AM
Yep, I've already got the okay from the league officers to go left handed. I'm half tempted to just commit to bowling the last few weeks lefty just to make sure the wrist heals up right.

02-21-2019, 10:12 PM
My physical therapist and massage therapist along with the doctor that performed the tenotomy after my tendinitis turned to tendinosis, says that the only thing that really will possibly heal tendinitis is 1) rest; and 2) stretching. Some creams and ice/heat will help eliminate symptoms but not heal.

Be sure and look up stretches for the tendons that are stressed and do them faithfully. Don't let it rest for too long so you don't re-injure it when activity is restarted. Be sure and stretch the weakened area every time before bowling, or you will re-injure it.

I speak from experience....long recovery from my elbow tendinitis/tendinosis. I learned my lesson well.

02-26-2019, 09:47 AM
My physical therapist and massage therapist along with the doctor that performed the tenotomy after my tendinitis turned to tendinosis, says that the only thing that really will possibly heal tendinitis is 1) rest; and 2) stretching. Some creams and ice/heat will help eliminate symptoms but not heal.

Be sure and look up stretches for the tendons that are stressed and do them faithfully. Don't let it rest for too long so you don't re-injure it when activity is restarted. Be sure and stretch the weakened area every time before bowling, or you will re-injure it.

I speak from experience....long recovery from my elbow tendinitis/tendinosis. I learned my lesson well.

Thank you! Great info that I was looking for.

02-26-2019, 10:12 AM
I ended up bowling lefty last week. My scores sucked but really it was kind of fun. I made a few strikes but spares were hard to come by! I was super sore the next few days but it was just the muscles so it was the good kind of sore.

02-26-2019, 09:15 PM
I ended up bowling lefty last week. My scores sucked but really it was kind of fun. I made a few strikes but spares were hard to come by! I was super sore the next few days but it was just the muscles so it was the good kind of sore.

Good luck with that. I went lefty prior to and after my surgery for the whole fall/winter season...it was fun, frustrating, and you are right - in the beginning I used muscles I forgot I had.