View Full Version : calculating stats (different balls)

03-01-2019, 10:38 AM
So when calculating stats would different balls be different? At least as far as revs? I would think a ball with more friction would rev less than a slick ball? What about PAP? I would think axis tilt and rotation would be the same between balls though as that seems to be more related to hand position at release?

03-01-2019, 11:25 AM
Not an expert on this so listen to others. It really shouldn't significantly impact rev rate but it will impact PAP. Most bowling pros will suggest having your PAP measured with your least flaring ball. I've never heard of it impacting tilt or rotation.

03-01-2019, 06:33 PM
Ameyers hit the nail on the head! Have your PAP measured using a plastic spare ball with a pancake weight block. This will give you a true measure. The axis on Aggressive bowling balls tends to begin to migrate before the ball actually its the lane. Rev rate is a function of the release, not the ball.

03-01-2019, 07:13 PM
Need to get this stuff checked by somebody that knows what they are doing. The closest I have to a plastic ball would be my Rhino and there is no way I'll find a ball close enough for me to try (lefty and a fat thumb....lol)

03-01-2019, 11:08 PM
Need to get this stuff checked by somebody that knows what they are doing. The closest I have to a plastic ball would be my Rhino and there is no way I'll find a ball close enough for me to try (lefty and a fat thumb....lol)

There's a reason that 99% of the top bowlers in the world carry a plastic ball for spares, and it's definitely not because it makes spare shooting harder!

03-03-2019, 02:29 PM
On another note, I went to the PSO in my alley to have the PAP measured on my spare ball. He told me that it wouldn't be a true measure of my PAP. He said it was just a plastic ball. What I learned from my old PSO (may he rest in peace) was that was most accurate way to measure. Instead of arguing with him I decided to just take my business elsewhere.

03-03-2019, 05:33 PM
I'm doing pretty good with my spares with the Rhino so not sure I want to switch that up. It pretty much goes straight even when I do slow it down. Right now it's at 500 CTD unpolished. When the spinner gets here I'm going to polish it so that should help even more and should get it back to OOB. I do still have the Pathogen Spare I won here but I haven't got it drilled. Haven't really seen a need for it yet.