View Full Version : Whats the most singles pins you left in a 3 game league set?

03-08-2019, 10:33 AM
Man this past Weds was a struggle. Only shot a 492 series. All my good shots didn't carry, had 2 stone 8s, 1 stone 9, 6 wrapped tens. All in all, I left 17 single pins, the only good thing about the night, I converted all of them. I also had 7 splits and 1 washout which I didn't convert. So that's 25 frames out of 30. It was a pretty frustrating night.

03-08-2019, 10:47 AM
I left 15 10 pins a few years ago. After awhile everyone on the pair started laughing every time I left one. Maybe 5 or 6 were flat but most were ring 10's. I probably missed 5-6 of them. I am sure there were a few 4's and 7's also. I try not to think about it much. It wouldn't bother me as much if others didn't carry off hits and pump their fist when carrying messengers and Brooklyn's. If I throw more than one crossover shot in a 3 game series it is rare. Carry one a month.

03-08-2019, 11:06 AM
Not a 3 game set but in my first PBA event back in 1985 over the 10 games of qualifying i left 16 solid 8's , 12 pocket 7-10's and and 10 10's tpga;omg with 5 7's and 4 4 pins. Was in the pocket all day but just couldn't cary. High game was 216 and low was 189. I ended up averaging 204 for the day

03-08-2019, 12:11 PM
Last season my teammate left 6 or 7 10's in a row. He converted most but it got to the point where he would turn around and laugh.

03-08-2019, 02:58 PM
Not a 3 game set but in my first PBA event back in 1985 over the 10 games of qualifying i left 16 solid 8's , 12 pocket 7-10's and and 10 10's tpga;omg with 5 7's and 4 4 pins. Was in the pocket all day but just couldn't cary. High game was 216 and low was 189. I ended up averaging 204 for the day

I don't remember 7-10's in 1985? Was that your best PBA event?

03-08-2019, 04:44 PM
Had one night I left 7 9-counts in a row, and I'm sure there were a bunch more scattered during that night. I'd guess 12-15?

03-08-2019, 11:56 PM
I started out a game one night with these seven leaves:



03-09-2019, 02:32 AM
i had a book where i used to chart what i left, what ball i used and line i played so when i made match play IO had an idea for how that lane played. Best finishes were 15th twice.

03-12-2019, 08:41 AM
Bowled in a Superbowl tourney and left 19 single pin spares. For as long as I've bowled I've never experienced anything like that had 9 strikes and 1 split. Variety of all the back pins mainly, 10's 7's 9's and 8's. Luckily I bounced back the next night at league and made all those hits back up shooting a 778 series. I guess it all equals out in the end but man that was a long day of bowling.

03-12-2019, 09:09 AM
Was in a tournament this past Sunday and in 8 games I left 6 1-3-6's. Only converted 3. We were playing a 47' Scorpion pattern and if you missed 1 board outside the ball slid straight. As bad as I did (averaged 23 pins below my league average) I still qualified and made it to the 2nd round of eliminations.

03-21-2019, 12:42 PM
One game about a month back I left 3 eight pins in a row. I was in great mood and was bowling good, but the house wasn't cooperating. It's more common for me to leave a ten pin than anything, sometimes a seven.

I generally don't count how often. Now if I miss a single pin spare I pay attention to that (time for corner pin drills).

03-26-2019, 02:38 AM
One game about a month back I left 3 eight pins in a row. I was in great mood and was bowling good, but the house wasn't cooperating. It's more common for me to leave a ten pin than anything, sometimes a seven.

I generally don't count how often. Now if I miss a single pin spare I pay attention to that (time for corner pin drills).

I would have shot the machine.

I'd rather leave seven 10-pins than one eight-pin. Three in a row? Take me now, lord.


03-26-2019, 08:58 AM
I would have shot the machine.

I'd rather leave seven 10-pins than one eight-pin. Three in a row? Take me now, lord.


That night I left 17 single pins. I had back to back stone 8 and stone 9 and had an earlier stone 8.