View Full Version : 39ft Inferno Pattern

04-20-2019, 05:25 PM
The first two weeks of the sport/challenge shot league I'm gonna try this summer is the 39ft Inferno with a 3:1 ratio. I'm not familiar with this pattern. Anyone every play it? Any tips on how you'd adjust from your typical starting point on a house pattern?

J Anderson
04-20-2019, 08:15 PM
The first two weeks of the sport/challenge shot league I'm gonna try this summer is the 39ft Inferno with a 3:1 ratio. I'm not familiar with this pattern. Anyone every play it? Any tips on how you'd adjust from your typical starting point on a house pattern?

Disclaimer: I have not played this particular pattern.

First, 3:1 is the maximum ratio for a sport shot before you get into that grey area where it’s not a true sport shot but it’s not a 10:1 walled up house shot. The “rule of 31” tells you that on the fresh your ball should be exiting the oil on board 8, i.e at 39’ the ball is on the eighth board. From what I recall of your videos you are more comfortable playing straight or almost straight up the boards so to start your breakpoint will be between 6 and 8. This of course is just a rough guide and does not take into account individual lane topography, type of lane, etc. Many of the better sport shot bowlers that I know will start off with some shots very close to the gutter just to see if there is a playable area out there and move in if there isn’t. A month or so ago we were on a 47’ pattern and many of us were having success playing outside first arrow.

One of the most valuable things to do in a sport league is to WATCH WHERE OTHER BOWLERS ARE PLAYING, especially if they are getting strikes.

04-23-2019, 01:37 PM
Most house shots are typically around the 39 foot range - give or take a few feet so in regards to breakpoint you should be at a good starting point. The discussion I always seem to have with new sport shot bowlers is that I have found that the challenge is getting to that breakpoint - looking at the lanes from a front to back manner rather than a side to side. As J said above, start with the breakpoint around 8 (or if this house has a lot of play you can possibly start at your typically breakpoint due to wear on the lanes) and then adjust in the fronts to get to that point.

Best of luck.

04-23-2019, 02:25 PM
Best advice I can give, especially with your game - keep your angles straight. Play front to back as these guys said and not side to side. Once the line starts to dry up some, migrate left and use that burn area to give yourself a little bit of recovery room. Excellent advice above.

04-24-2019, 04:46 PM
So if I normally play a house shot standing around center and throwing towards the 8-12 target...should I start out in practice by moving 3:3 right? 3:4 right? 3:6 right? 4:4 right?

I hope not 4:4...getting outside 5 makes me nervous. I don't know how people can play up and in the 1-3 boards...its almost like the gutter has a magnet in it at that point.

J Anderson
04-24-2019, 07:31 PM
So if I normally play a house shot standing around center and throwing towards the 8-12 target...should I start out in practice by moving 3:3 right? 3:4 right? 3:6 right? 4:4 right?

I hope not 4:4...getting outside 5 makes me nervous. I don't know how people can play up and in the 1-3 boards...its almost like the gutter has a magnet in it at that point.

My suggestion to you is that someday you should spend a practice session playing outside of the five board because eventually you will bowl on something like Cheetah. For this week just try a few shots as far outside as you are comfortable moving to see if there happens to be a shot outside of where the “book” says it should be. The work back toward where the rule of 31 says it should be until you find a track to the pocket, and then try different balls. While the pros or their ball reps may know they need a certain ball to start out on Inferno you do not know which of your balls will work best.

Good Luck