View Full Version : A humbling experience last night

05-09-2019, 12:42 PM
I intended to practice last night but, when I got to the lanes, one of the guys at the front desk gave me a choice between a house shot or the the sports shot they had put down recently. I felt adventurous so, I opted for the sports shot. I asked what shot it was and he told me it was "The Deep".

I'd never heard of it but, what the heck, right?

Let me just say that it kicked my butt. It was very clear that I really had nothing in the bag for it. I had some Brunswick balls with me, the Method, a Cutting Edge Hybrid and a Cutting Edge Solid (the latter two are best on medium oil). I'm usually a Storm guy but, I got some great Black Friday deals on these last year. But, I digress.

If I tried playing up the right side, I blew through the break point, If I tried swinging it from the left, it wouldn't come back (I even managed a few gutter balls). Strikes were a rarity. My best game to that point was a 189.

So, in my last game, I said the hell with it and shot with my T-Zone (plastic spare ball) and shot a 218.

Despite how hard it was for me, I think bowling on this helped me better understand my game. When the release was good, it was immediately apparent. When it was bad, I could more easily see why. So, despite being humbled, I think I'm going to continue to opt for the sports shot at this house for the next few weeks.

By the way, here's the shot:


05-09-2019, 03:38 PM
Never bowled on that pattern before that I know of. The way I would play this one is to keep my line inside and pretty straight with not much swing at all. I wouldn't get ball outside of about 11-12 or so probably not much miss room there.

05-09-2019, 06:34 PM
There was no room to miss. I didn't bother to look up the patter until after I was done but, when I did, it was obvious to me why my spare ball worked where my other stuff failed.

05-09-2019, 11:19 PM
I have only bowled on a sport pattern once and that was in March when I entered a tournament that used a 47' Scorpion. And if you missed your mark by a board I either took out the 4-7 or went Brooklyn

05-18-2019, 10:57 PM
I played winter league on a sport league, they put a different pattern every week... It was expensive but I loved the challenge. Anyway, they gave the pattern name at the end of the night and there was one night when the pattern was called "the deep". I have no idea if it's the same pattern or not, but basically it was a gutter to gutter flood of oil and everybody struggled. I tried a couple balls but I hit my better score with my Storm IQ Tour (box finish)... low 220s The reason I remember is I went back out to my car trunk for the ball and I hit the side pot that week, not a common thing for me on that league.
