View Full Version : Product to Replace Rosin Bags!

06-04-2019, 12:10 PM
I found this product for billiards while browsing online, and i thought I'd use it on my shoes instead of putting powder on them and it worked great! Then i tried it on my hands and it was phenomenal, and lasted way longer than my normal rosin!

Heres a link to it:

J Daisy
07-23-2019, 02:02 PM
Thanks for the tip. :-)

I've tried a lot of different kinds of rosin. For a looser kind of rosin bag, I use Hot Glove, which was originally made for baseball players. It works well for people who need a lot of rosin, and it's really cheap and readily available. Personally, I don't need so much rosin on my hands that they look like Al Jolsen, haha, so I prefer a normal Storm brand rosin bag. To each their own, though. I know one bowler who sprinkles his hands with baby powder.