View Full Version : Thumb callous--getting rid of

07-02-2019, 11:09 PM
I have a good sized callous/bump on the inside of my thumb just above where the thumb bends at the knuckle. I realize that there are some thumbhole adjustments that must be made, but my question is how to relieve or reduce this bump. It's not entirely hardened and is sore. When I begin to bowl I have to force my thumb into the thumb hole and the first couple of balls thrown are painful and the ball hangs. After a few releases, my thumb seems to adjust and I can get the thumb out with little problem on each shot. I just want to get rid of this callous or bump.

07-03-2019, 06:11 PM
It will naturally shrink without the continual rub growing it... but keeping after it with a nail file sanding board, a little every day, will speed the process...

07-04-2019, 01:02 AM
Many years ago I had callus build up on the side of my thumb from bowling.
Over the past couple of years I've experienced callus build up at the base of my thumb after attempting to change the position of my hand for the ball release.
I've gone back to my original positioning. In the meantime I felt a bit of discomfort at the base of the thumb and hoped it wasn't nerve damage or something. My wife found a foot callus file that helped me a bit, but she also found a rotary device that seemed to work a bit better and quicker. The discomfort went away and the callus has decreased significantly. I've used some of the protective bowling tapes to cover over the area for a while as well.
It seems that there are lots of products from various sources that deal with callus removal, but most of them are foot callus issues. That's fine as many of them can be used to help you with your thumb.
Hope this helps...

07-04-2019, 11:19 PM
Many years ago I had callus build up on the side of my thumb from bowling.
Over the past couple of years I've experienced callus build up at the base of my thumb after attempting to change the position of my hand for the ball release.
I've gone back to my original positioning. In the meantime I felt a bit of discomfort at the base of the thumb and hoped it wasn't nerve damage or something. My wife found a foot callus file that helped me a bit, but she also found a rotary device that seemed to work a bit better and quicker. The discomfort went away and the callus has decreased significantly. I've used some of the protective bowling tapes to cover over the area for a while as well.
It seems that there are lots of products from various sources that deal with callus removal, but most of them are foot callus issues. That's fine as many of them can be used to help you with your thumb.
Hope this helps...

Thanks for the reply. I'm going to try my wife's pumice stone.
Any other remedies from others?

07-11-2019, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the reply. I'm going to try my wife's pumice stone.
Any other remedies from others?

Your skin will be softer just after or during a shower, the stone should have more/better effect then. I keep a pumice stone in the shower for my heals myself.

07-13-2019, 02:01 PM
That device Djp was talking about WORKS! I did this a few months ago. I did both my hands with that thing and in the end I had this huge nasty pile of dead skin LOL There are a ton of different once out there, PedEgg, and the electric pumice stone. They all make a mess so have a towel under your hands while using it. Hit your hands with some lotion after you wash them to get your now powdery hands clean. It's rather hilarious how your hands feel afterwards, you feel like your wearing rubber gloves because you can grip everything. Once the lotion is fully gone and no longer slippy you can now tackle opening that stubborn jar of pickles with ease and your callus will be greatly reduced. You'll take 10 years of abuse off your hands and they will look like you didn't do a day of hard work in your life.

One last word of advice....don't press too hard while using these devices or you'll end up taking off too much skin and bleeding causing a whole new set of issues for yourself. Just press lightly and it will do it's job just fine without mashing it down on your callus. You'll feel when you got enough off which will be a ton.