View Full Version : Skid flip ball reaction

07-22-2019, 11:34 PM
I bowl mostly on the house shot during the winter league season. Under what conditions are skid flip ball reactions desirable?

07-23-2019, 03:52 AM
If I answer this question, Amyers and RobM will stab me in the neck with a blunt object...so I'll just say...without mentioning that evil belief:

Generally a skid/flip ball needs two things:
1) A pattern or surface that is drier or has transitiioned...thus the ball will 'skid' over that area.
2) Either enough oil downlane where the ball won't over-react...or the bowler needs to have moved far enough inside that the ball can bounce in an angular way towards the pocket.

But, it's hard to say. I've heard skid/flip balls work better for higher speed, higher rev bowlers....who have a consistent release.

07-23-2019, 08:06 AM
I bowl mostly on the house shot during the winter league season. Under what conditions are skid flip ball reactions desirable?

Ah the hollywood shot, go long and snap hard. The one everyone loves but most probably don't need.

The first game maybe.

When you start out on the fresh houseshot, you'll usually have a defined breakpoint. Th S/F would be okay there, but when the second game transistion comes around You'll lose that defined breakpoint from everyone else moving and depleting oil around.

Then you'll be in trouble, because it will start being erratic you'll need to go to something with control that will be smoother reacting that will give you some margin of error.

Third game you might be able to go back to the S/F , because the pattern will kind of redefine. But for most it would require then to really move out of their comfort zone to play it right.

Depending on how advanced a player is your usually better off using control type balls/layouts they won't get you in trouble as much as skid flip would. You'd have more consistent games instead of a high, a low and a mediocre one.

Now if you get a sport shot, you'll really need more control than skid flip. Because a sportshot can have a defined breakpoint but you need to be more accurate if your not that S/F ball is going to give all kinds of headaches. Now when a sportshot breaks down and it starts becoming more like a houseshot you might could use a skidflip but of course it will depend on you and the conditions.

07-23-2019, 09:26 AM
Probably the best answer here is personal style and what your comfortable with. If you want to be able to handle all conditions it's best to have the ability to play deeper lines and skid flip will rule the day at other times the backends my be flying and you score higher playing more in the oil it varies a lot if you think playing up 10 is you best option 90% of the time don't bother with it. If your the type of bowler who can play up 7 or move your line 20 and be successful or want to be that than learn.

Myself I'm a lower speed bowler so there is a skid flip element to my game 60% of the time it really a question is it a ball thrown 20 at the arrows out to 7 back to the pocket effective or do I need 15 at the arrows keeping it tight maybe out to 10 reaction which works better? It varies from house to house and with weather I've even seen me have better results playing opposite strategies on a pair of lanes. If you can develop that flexibility you will be a better bowler but it's more than buying a ball.

07-24-2019, 10:30 AM
Thanks for the replies. I’ve only been bowling for about 4 years. I’m starting to think and from these responses is that skip flip does not fit my style. My Rotogrip HyperCell Fused is drilled pin up above my middle finger. I think that layout took away the strength of that ball. It does not seem to read the midlane. With some surface, I can get to read but I lose the back end compared to when it is shiny. My original Storm Soniq is drilled pin down with the out of box 1500 polished. Man does it have a nice smooth arc. That seems to fit my style compared to my other balls that are pin up. I’m considering redrilling my HyperCell Fused pin down and put back to 1500 polish.

07-24-2019, 12:31 PM
Thanks for the replies. I’ve only been bowling for about 4 years. I’m starting to think and from these responses is that skip flip does not fit my style. My Rotogrip HyperCell Fused is drilled pin up above my middle finger. I think that layout took away the strength of that ball. It does not seem to read the midlane. With some surface, I can get to read but I lose the back end compared to when it is shiny. My original Storm Soniq is drilled pin down with the out of box 1500 polished. Man does it have a nice smooth arc. That seems to fit my style compared to my other balls that are pin up. I’m considering redrilling my HyperCell Fused pin down and put back to 1500 polish.

Don't be overly concerned about what works for others everyone is different. Sounds like you do better with earlier rolling balls. I personally don't put much faith in the pinup/pindown drillings a ball works for your game or it doesn't you may see some small improvements with a different drilling but I'm yet to see a good ball go bad or a bad ball get good for a bowler. What you have found in surface is normal generally as you add surface the ball hooks sooner but loses backend reaction.

I would suggest stronger cover lower rg balls for you from what you have posted. I think the Halo vision is probably the better choice for your game for deeper lines of play.

07-24-2019, 12:56 PM
Thanks for the replies. I’ve only been bowling for about 4 years. I’m starting to think and from these responses is that skip flip does not fit my style. My Rotogrip HyperCell Fused is drilled pin up above my middle finger. I think that layout took away the strength of that ball. It does not seem to read the midlane. With some surface, I can get to read but I lose the back end compared to when it is shiny. My original Storm Soniq is drilled pin down with the out of box 1500 polished. Man does it have a nice smooth arc. That seems to fit my style compared to my other balls that are pin up. I’m considering redrilling my HyperCell Fused pin down and put back to 1500 polish.
As far as the Halo Vision or similar lower RG balls, where do you recommend pin placement, up or down? The lower RG, pin down Storm Soniq is working for me.

07-24-2019, 02:25 PM
As far as the Halo Vision or similar lower RG balls, where do you recommend pin placement, up or down? The lower RG, pin down Storm Soniq is working for me.

In my opinion the old adages of pinup/pin down no longer apply. it's a dated idea that has very little to do with anything. Stick to stronger covers and low rg it will do more good than any particular pin position. Your PAP position has way more to do with effective layouts than the position of the pin. it is not crazy for an effective PAP to be pinup for one bowler and the same PAP pin down for the next but should have similar effects on the ball. Worrying too much about the pin position is dated and goes back to the days before dynamic cores this is just my belief I'm sure someone would disagree.

You would be better off to have a good driller find your PAP and the angles used on your Soniq (since you like it) and drill it with a similar layout but that layout should focus on your PAP not the pin position. Don't be surprised if the pin is in a different spot. Hopefully this makes sense.