View Full Version : To glow or not to glow...

J Daisy
07-27-2019, 03:09 AM
I got my new high score today. A wimpy 143, beating my previous high of 142 by one pin. Both of those highs were set with a backdrop of rock and roll, cool lights, and blacklights. I have noticed that when I bowl in that environment, I do much better than otherwise.

So I would like to ask you guys your opinion on such a heavy topic. To glow, or not to glow?

J Anderson
07-27-2019, 09:00 AM
I got my new high score today. A wimpy 143, beating my previous high of 142 by one pin. Both of those highs were set with a backdrop of rock and roll, cool lights, and blacklights. I have noticed that when I bowl in that environment, I do much better than otherwise.

So I would like to ask you guys your opinion on such a heavy topic. To glow, or not to glow?

Personally, I don’t like “glow bowling”. The older I get, the more light I need to see, and I don’t think any of the alleys around here have any glow in the dark targeting aids.

Many bowlers find that music has benefits for their bowling. Hearing a particular song may relax you, or it may bring your energy level up. The rhythm and tempo of a song may help with timing. You may find that using earbuds or headphones when the center doesn't have rock & roll playing in the background may help your scoring. Be aware that some tournaments have rules barring the use of such devices.

J Daisy
07-27-2019, 10:53 AM
Personally, I don’t like “glow bowling”. The older I get, the more light I need to see, and I don’t think any of the alleys around here have any glow in the dark targeting aids.

Many bowlers find that music has benefits for their bowling. Hearing a particular song may relax you, or it may bring your energy level up. The rhythm and tempo of a song may help with timing. You may find that using earbuds or headphones when the center doesn't have rock & roll playing in the background may help your scoring. Be aware that some tournaments have rules barring the use of such devices.

I know some other people who have problems seeing with the lights dimmed. Myself, I have always had good night vision. I eat a lot of carrots. Maybe that's why it doesn't bother me at all.

I did not know that certain tournaments ban devices playing music. Thank you for telling me. That seems wrong to me. I mean, after all, it is still the bowler doing the work, music or no music. It still depends on the skill of the bowler to knock down pins. It just gets him in a better frame of mind to do so.

07-27-2019, 11:24 AM
I did not know that certain tournaments ban devices playing music. Thank you for telling me. That seems wrong to me. I mean, after all, it is still the bowler doing the work, music or no music. It still depends on the skill of the bowler to knock down pins. It just gets him in a better frame of mind to do so.

It's not about if the music is helping the bowler, it's about the devices themselves.

They can be dropped/falloff while your bowling, which can cause problems for you and/or other bowlers. Like tripping, delay of game while it's being retrieved (especially if it falls on the lane past the foul line, you have to stop and get permission to retrieve it yourself if you don't it's a foul or get someone to get it for you) from your lane or someone else's.

If your playing it very loud (and there are people that play the music so loud you can here it coming from their earbuds) it could distract other bowlers.

Here's a example of the rule from the 2019 USBC OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS

A. DEVICES/HEADPHONES - The use of an artificial device to listen to music or a broadcast is prohibited during competition.


J Daisy
07-27-2019, 11:57 AM
It's not about if the music is helping the bowler, it's about the devices themselves.

They can be dropped/falloff while your bowling, which can cause problems for you and/or other bowlers. Like tripping, delay of game while it's being retrieved (especially if it falls on the lane past the foul line, you have to stop and get permission to retrieve it yourself if you don't it's a foul or get someone to get it for you) from your lane or someone else's.

If your playing it very loud (and there are people that play the music so loud you can here it coming from their earbuds) it could distract other bowlers.

Here's a example of the rule from the 2019 USBC OPEN CHAMPIONSHIPS

A. DEVICES/HEADPHONES - The use of an artificial device to listen to music or a broadcast is prohibited during competition.


I never saw anybody have those kinds of problems with their devices before, but that is likely because I haven't been around the game long enough.

One of my past bowling partners used to wear Bluetooth earbuds attached to a device that wrapped around his neck like a horseshoe. That thing couldn't fall of if he tried. I think things like that should be allowed.

07-27-2019, 12:02 PM
I got my new high score today. A wimpy 143, beating my previous high of 142 by one pin. Both of those highs were set with a backdrop of rock and roll, cool lights, and blacklights. I have noticed that when I bowl in that environment, I do much better than otherwise.

So I would like to ask you guys your opinion on such a heavy topic. To glow, or not to glow?

I haven't glow bowled much, what I used to do more was called moonlight bowling which is where they turned out the lights above the lanes so it was dark.

I found it helps you concentrate on watching your mark on the lane better, also IMO it offered some similarities to the "Eyes Closed Drill" which helps enhance feel and trust in your swing,footwork etc. without the visual distractions.

07-27-2019, 12:15 PM
I never saw anybody have those kinds of problems with their devices before, but that is likely because I haven't been around the game long enough.

One of my past bowling partners used to wear Bluetooth earbuds attached to a device that wrapped around his neck like a horseshoe. That thing couldn't fall of if he tried. I think things like that should be allowed.

Usually the only place you see a rule against using them is in tournaments, you just about never see it in leagues (if a league did have that rule, most likely it's because it was a problem in the past on that league.).

Also if you don't know it, most tournaments and a lot of leagues have dress codes also. To see a example look at the link to the tournaments rules above.

07-27-2019, 03:38 PM
Glow bowling (Cosmic or Xtreme) depending on Brunswick or AMF to me anymore isn't a factor. I've seen it so much, done it so much that I seem to bowl exactly the same either way. Just one more thing I've learned to block out, ignore and adapt to. Using ear buds for music, I couldn't do. Might as well tie my legs together with rope. I would feel too movement restricted trying not to lose my ear buds if wireless or be worried about yanking out the wires. When I bowl, EVERYTHING comes out of my pockets too.....phone, change, wallet, smokes, keys or whatever and goes in a zipper bag in my bowling bag. (except for cash) I don't like getting poked by anything or having things rattle around or get squished or flying out of my pockets. I like free unrestricted movement when I bowl. If the center has music cranked to the max, it doesn't bother me in the least.

"Candle Light" bowl is what Bowl1820 was talking about, at least that's what they called it here. All the lights were out above the sette area as well as over the lanes, just the pinsetter lights were on. That's more difficult because you cannot see the arrows/dots hardly at all unless you're a cat. Not saying it can't be done but not easily. Those were usually 9 pin no taps to help people so everyone wasn't bowling double digits. Fun but "Glow" kinda took over these days. Candle Light is rare now pretty rare.

07-27-2019, 05:16 PM
I've bowled very infrequently when the alleys are set for Cosmic or Galaxy bowling as it's usually late at night. I went one weekend by myself to practice and they had it set up a bit earlier. As I recall I could see the arrows okay, but not much farther down the lane until you got to the pins themselves. Some shots I liked to do I couldn't because I could only guess where the target was. I had to adjust. Adjust I did, especially for the 10 pin. I didn't miss a one. These days I've moved my spare shot targets just past the half way point on the lane and it seems like it's helping me. I liked that the music was on and even some of it I could relate to as an older guy... :) This was good for my confidence in hitting 10 pins anyway...

07-27-2019, 06:44 PM
"Candle Light" bowl is what Bowl1820 was talking about, at least that's what they called it here. All the lights were out above the sette area as well as over the lanes, just the pinsetter lights were on. That's more difficult because you cannot see the arrows/dots hardly at all unless you're a cat. Not saying it can't be done but not easily. Those were usually 9 pin no taps to help people so everyone wasn't bowling double digits. Fun but "Glow" kinda took over these days. Candle Light is rare now pretty rare.

"Candle light", "Moonlight" it's known by different names depending on what area your in, We didn't do no-tap though. Here we bowled regular and used colored pins for money shots, plus they sold tickets for best ball and had pots. One house did a special pot, if you got picked they turned out all the lights you shot at a rack of solid black pins that were double weight in the dark if you got a strike you won. A friend of mine shot a strike and won $1500.

07-27-2019, 07:05 PM
I had a teammate that used headphones during league play. It's rare, but you see it here and there.

I've never been a fan of "glow bowling" or "cosmic bowling"...because I'm an old curmudgeon who think the World would better if everyone under the age of 32 would just sit at home, watching Disney cartoons, and studying math and reading. As many of my peers would probably remind me...concerning my disdain for cosmic/glow bowling: "It's not FOR you."

Also, they always seem to switch to "cosmic bowling" right in the middle of my approach...which is quite jarring.

J Daisy
07-28-2019, 01:47 AM
I haven't glow bowled much, what I used to do more was called moonlight bowling which is where they turned out the lights above the lanes so it was dark.

I found it helps you concentrate on watching your mark on the lane better, also IMO it offered some similarities to the "Eyes Closed Drill" which helps enhance feel and trust in your swing,footwork etc. without the visual distractions.

That is very interesting. I never heard of that before. I can see how moonlight bowling can help an already good bowler up their game, but I wonder if it has the same effect on somebody not very good at bowling yet?

J Daisy
07-28-2019, 01:55 AM
I had a teammate that used headphones during league play. It's rare, but you see it here and there.

I've never been a fan of "glow bowling" or "cosmic bowling"...because I'm an old curmudgeon who think the World would better if everyone under the age of 32 would just sit at home, watching Disney cartoons, and studying math and reading. As many of my peers would probably remind me...concerning my disdain for cosmic/glow bowling: "It's not FOR you."

Also, they always seem to switch to "cosmic bowling" right in the middle of my approach...which is quite jarring.

I saw people who wear headphones or like devices in league. It doesn't seem that rare where I bowl, but I'm sure everywhere is different.

If everybody under 32 did as you suggested, there would be no more bowling in 50 years, and the sport would die with you. That paints a bleak picture. ;)

J Daisy
07-28-2019, 02:03 AM
Glow bowling (Cosmic or Xtreme) depending on Brunswick or AMF to me anymore isn't a factor. I've seen it so much, done it so much that I seem to bowl exactly the same either way. Just one more thing I've learned to block out, ignore and adapt to. Using ear buds for music, I couldn't do. Might as well tie my legs together with rope. I would feel too movement restricted trying not to lose my ear buds if wireless or be worried about yanking out the wires. When I bowl, EVERYTHING comes out of my pockets too.....phone, change, wallet, smokes, keys or whatever and goes in a zipper bag in my bowling bag. (except for cash) I don't like getting poked by anything or having things rattle around or get squished or flying out of my pockets. I like free unrestricted movement when I bowl. If the center has music cranked to the max, it doesn't bother me in the least.

"Candle Light" bowl is what Bowl1820 was talking about, at least that's what they called it here. All the lights were out above the sette area as well as over the lanes, just the pinsetter lights were on. That's more difficult because you cannot see the arrows/dots hardly at all unless you're a cat. Not saying it can't be done but not easily. Those were usually 9 pin no taps to help people so everyone wasn't bowling double digits. Fun but "Glow" kinda took over these days. Candle Light is rare now pretty rare.

It is nice that you bowl equally well both ways. That must have taken some getting used to.

I might not be as bad at candle light bowling as some. I have very good night vision. Too bad my local center doesn't do that, it would be worth a try.

07-28-2019, 10:12 AM
I don't like the cosmic bowling environment. I do bowl pretty good when I do. Maybe because I target so close to the gutter that it is easier to judge in the dark? Not sure. Either way I don't like it. As far as music, we have 80's music playing on league night but you can barely hear it so it isn't blasting to the point of being distracting. I do like the low volume music.

07-28-2019, 11:41 AM
It is nice that you bowl equally well both ways. That must have taken some getting used to.

I might not be as bad at candle light bowling as some. I have very good night vision. Too bad my local center doesn't do that, it would be worth a try.

It didn't take that long to get used to. I just have a high tolerance for BS and blocking out annoyances easily. Just ask my kids, I block them out all the time. LOL I call it a gift and one I'm thankful to have.

07-28-2019, 12:14 PM
I saw people who wear headphones or like devices in league. It doesn't seem that rare where I bowl, but I'm sure everywhere is different.
Most leagues don'y bother with it. However, I have seen people get their cords caught on their arm or have an earbud fall out during their swing...which can cause stuff to get broken. Back in the day, these devices had batteries and dropping them would cause batteries and parts to fly out everywhere. Embarrassing for the bowler and annoying for everyone else. Nowadays, less batteries and moving parts...so it's more a concern that your $900 phone is broken because you wanted to listen to Lady Gaga while trying to do something athletic.

The MOST annoying thing about it, from your teammates perspective, is that it makes you hard to talk to. The guy who used to wear headphones on our team...he would sit down and we'd start talking to him...and he wouldn't hear us. Then he would realize we were talking to him and take his earbuds out.

If everybody under 32 did as you suggested, there would be no more bowling in 50 years, and the sport would die with you. That paints a bleak picture. ;)
The sport started dying 30 years ago...industrial and church leagues started disappearing...professional prize money dried up...then the advent of video gaming took the attention of the youth away from the sport...then the lane conditions and equipment got out of whack...and the final death blow was the emergence of 2-handed bowling. 50 years from now...whether the world caters to my curmudgeon views on 1-32 year olds or not (highly likely not)...bowling will be just another faded memory of the past. And that's assuming the world even lasts another 50 years.

07-28-2019, 02:13 PM
Sounds like you bowled at fun places that tried to make things interesting. In Illinois it's boring, they probably only did the candle light to save money on their electric bill.

J Daisy
07-28-2019, 04:43 PM
Most leagues don'y bother with it. However, I have seen people get their cords caught on their arm or have an earbud fall out during their swing...which can cause stuff to get broken. Back in the day, these devices had batteries and dropping them would cause batteries and parts to fly out everywhere. Embarrassing for the bowler and annoying for everyone else. Nowadays, less batteries and moving parts...so it's more a concern that your $900 phone is broken because you wanted to listen to Lady Gaga while trying to do something athletic.

The MOST annoying thing about it, from your teammates perspective, is that it makes you hard to talk to. The guy who used to wear headphones on our team...he would sit down and we'd start talking to him...and he wouldn't hear us. Then he would realize we were talking to him and take his earbuds out.

The sport started dying 30 years ago...industrial and church leagues started disappearing...professional prize money dried up...then the advent of video gaming took the attention of the youth away from the sport...then the lane conditions and equipment got out of whack...and the final death blow was the emergence of 2-handed bowling. 50 years from now...whether the world caters to my curmudgeon views on 1-32 year olds or not (highly likely not)...bowling will be just another faded memory of the past. And that's assuming the world even lasts another 50 years.

I have experienced that, too, about not being able to talk to people with earbuds in at the bowling alley. It is annoying. If they are going to use those devices while bowling, that's fine with me, I'm glad it helps them. They should probably take them out or turn them off when they aren't bowling, though, as a courtesy to whoever they are bowling with.

Let's hope for bowling to have a brighter future than that. Perhaps young people like me (if they exist) can help revive the fading sport for a new generation. :)

J Daisy
07-28-2019, 04:50 PM
I don't like the cosmic bowling environment. I do bowl pretty good when I do. Maybe because I target so close to the gutter that it is easier to judge in the dark? Not sure. Either way I don't like it. As far as music, we have 80's music playing on league night but you can barely hear it so it isn't blasting to the point of being distracting. I do like the low volume music.

To each their own. Thanks for sharing your opinion. :)

For myself, I love the loud music they play at my bowling alley. It helps me tune out the screaming tots and the bowling ball dumpers that I always get stuck next to, haha.

J Daisy
07-28-2019, 04:51 PM
Sounds like you bowled at fun places that tried to make things interesting. In Illinois it's boring, they probably only did the candle light to save money on their electric bill.

It's pretty fun. I like it. :)