View Full Version : ugh...cosmic bowling (needed to pre-bowl)

08-24-2019, 11:03 PM
So bare with me here. We have summer league playoffs this Tuesday (same night our fall league starts). So the summer league is a 2 man team but there are 3 of us that rotate. The plan was for the other 2 to bowl the playoffs (they are father/son) and they would pre-bowl tonight for the start of our fall league. So they went down tonight and pre-bowled for fall league so they could bowl the playoffs for summer. They called me on the way back saying the lanes were horribly dry. The 2 have about 200 and 195 averages. The son bowled 268, 214, and 141. The father wouldn't even tell me what he bowled but said it was probably his worst since he was about 8 and said his high game was about 135. So let's put things into perspective. They had a close family member die unexpectedly Tuesday night from a tragic accident and the funeral was today so not faulting them at all and I'm actually surprised they bowled at all.

So on their way home they called me and realized the son can't bowl the playoffs. He has to leave for work at 11:00PM and if we make it far in we won't finish until around midnight and no substitutions are allowed once you start. So he tells me I will have to bowl playoffs and will have to pre-bowl for fall league. Problem iscenter is closed Sunday and Monday in the summer. So I run down late tonight to pre-bowl at about 9:00PM. Get there and cosmic bowling in the whole place. ugh. They said I was welcome to pre-bowl...in the dark. No thinks. I'll pass. So luckily I work from home and have a flexible schedule so will run down on my lunch break Tuesday and pre-bowl. Then if we make it the whole way Tuesday night we will end up bowling about 8 games. Add that to the 3 I will bowl earlier in the day...lol. Fun times.

FWIW my teammates won this thing 3 years ago so I know we can do it. Last year me and the son bowled playoffs and I was pretty bad. We got knocked out first round. I think I bowled around 160 both games.

J Anderson
08-25-2019, 06:26 PM
So bare with me here. We have summer league playoffs this Tuesday (same night our fall league starts). So the summer league is a 2 man team but there are 3 of us that rotate. The plan was for the other 2 to bowl the playoffs (they are father/son) and they would pre-bowl tonight for the start of our fall league. So they went down tonight and pre-bowled for fall league so they could bowl the playoffs for summer. They called me on the way back saying the lanes were horribly dry. The 2 have about 200 and 195 averages. The son bowled 268, 214, and 141. The father wouldn't even tell me what he bowled but said it was probably his worst since he was about 8 and said his high game was about 135. So let's put things into perspective. They had a close family member die unexpectedly Tuesday night from a tragic accident and the funeral was today so not faulting them at all and I'm actually surprised they bowled at all.

So on their way home they called me and realized the son can't bowl the playoffs. He has to leave for work at 11:00PM and if we make it far in we won't finish until around midnight and no substitutions are allowed once you start. So he tells me I will have to bowl playoffs and will have to pre-bowl for fall league. Problem iscenter is closed Sunday and Monday in the summer. So I run down late tonight to pre-bowl at about 9:00PM. Get there and cosmic bowling in the whole place. ugh. They said I was welcome to pre-bowl...in the dark. No thinks. I'll pass. So luckily I work from home and have a flexible schedule so will run down on my lunch break Tuesday and pre-bowl. Then if we make it the whole way Tuesday night we will end up bowling about 8 games. Add that to the 3 I will bowl earlier in the day...lol. Fun times.

FWIW my teammates won this thing 3 years ago so I know we can do it. Last year me and the son bowled playoffs and I was pretty bad. We got knocked out first round. I think I bowled around 160 both games.

If I understand the USBC rules on pre-bowling, you must pre-bowl with a legal line-up. So for the most part, if a team has no one to sub and one or more bowlers will be missing, the whole team pre-bowls with the opposing team having the option of pre-bowling against them. Youth leagues expressly allow individual pre-bowling. For adults it’s expressly forbidden since one bowler is almost never a legal line-up.

08-25-2019, 07:20 PM
If I understand the USBC rules on pre-bowling, you must pre-bowl with a legal line-up. So for the most part, if a team has no one to sub and one or more bowlers will be missing, the whole team pre-bowls with the opposing team having the option of pre-bowling against them. Youth leagues expressly allow individual pre-bowling.

No legal lineup as nothing to do with being allowed to pre-bowl.

For adults it’s expressly forbidden since one bowler is almost never a legal line-up.

Rule 111 – Pre-bowl/Postponements

111a. Types Types of pre-bowls and postponements:
1. Bowling in direct opposition.
2. Team unopposed bowling: Permitted, unless the league adopts a rule prohibiting this type of
3. Individual unopposed bowling:
a. Adult leagues: Prohibited, unless the league rules state otherwise.
b. Youth leagues: Permitted, unless the league rules state otherwise.

08-25-2019, 08:32 PM
Yeah. I think our league rules state maximum of either 2 or 3 pre-bowlers per week except week 1 where there is an overlap from the summer league (pretty sure it's only 2 per week). At least 1 bowler from each team has to be there to bowl for the league on the first night. After that it reverts back to the regular rules. Not sure why they have an overlap. They could have just shortened the summer league by 1 week. Doesn't matter to me either way. One of our guys switched teams for fall league but if he hadn't then 4 of our 5 are in the summer league playoffs. Top 20 teams of 39 make playoffs. We finished 12th. Really hoping for a god outing. Haven't seen payouts but last year winning team got $1500. That's $500 each! We got knocked out 1st round last year and I think we got something like $150 to split.

08-27-2019, 01:13 PM
So pre-bowled today. I sanded the BWG and the Conspiracy yesterday on the spinner. Started both at 400 grit dry sandpaper then 500 CTD then 2000 CTD on the Conspiracy and 3000 on the BWG (both done wet). Same as they were before. Lanes were dry and hadn't been oiled since at least Saturday afternoon (closed Sunday and yesterday). Game 1 tried both balls and hit decent with BWG but high with Conspiracy. Near end of game 1 tried Conspiracy targeting 6-7 board and it came in nice. Ball was rolling out a little early but getting good carry. Struggled with spares though. Game 1 172, game 2, 206, game 3 218. Middle of game 3 ball was rolling out just past mid-lane but it was still carrying so stuck with it. Didn't try the Kingpin. Overall happy with that. I usually bowl better when I pre-bowl for some reason. But have summer playoffs tonight and could potentially bowl 10 games tonight. Hoping for similar results with better spare coverage. I was able to keep my speeds down pretty good too. Sensors read about 16-16.5 where I'm usually in the 17's. But I purposely did that. I usually bowl better when I slow it down. Ball was turning hard at the breakpoint. A few times I thought I would miss way inside and ball broke right to the pocket.

https://i.postimg.cc/k49q5Sf4/2019-08-27.png (https://postimages.org/)

J Daisy
09-02-2019, 11:39 PM
How did things go tonight? Did you kick some butt?

By the way, I think cosmic bowling varies from alley to alley, but at my bowling alley it isn't too dark and it's a lot of fun. I actually do better bowling with the music and blacklights than without. Why is it so different from one bowling alley to another? I've even heard of some with strobe lighting, which I personally would hate.

09-03-2019, 10:22 AM
How did things go tonight? Did you kick some butt?

By the way, I think cosmic bowling varies from alley to alley, but at my bowling alley it isn't too dark and it's a lot of fun. I actually do better bowling with the music and blacklights than without. Why is it so different from one bowling alley to another? I've even heard of some with strobe lighting, which I personally would hate.

For my summer playoffs last week I was so-so. Had a 212 first game then a 160 but it was enough to win that set and move to the next round. Next round was a struggle. Bowled 182 and 183 but our opponents were om fire. I know the one game they both were about 30 over their averages while we were right on ours so we lost.

Tonight is week 2 of our fall league so hope it goes well. Really need to do better with my spares.

09-03-2019, 10:42 AM
Music is ok but how can people bowl withheadphones

J Daisy
09-03-2019, 12:33 PM
For my summer playoffs last week I was so-so. Had a 212 first game then a 160 but it was enough to win that set and move to the next round. Next round was a struggle. Bowled 182 and 183 but our opponents were om fire. I know the one game they both were about 30 over their averages while we were right on ours so we lost.

Tonight is week 2 of our fall league so hope it goes well. Really need to do better with my spares.

Good luck! :-)

J Anderson
09-03-2019, 01:00 PM
Tonight is week 2 of our fall league so hope it goes well. Really need to do better with my spares.

Don’t we all! At least those of us not named Duke or Williams.

09-03-2019, 11:28 PM
well wasn't better at my sprares tonight...or strikes for that matter. horrible. 514 series

J Daisy
09-04-2019, 12:29 AM
well wasn't better at my sprares tonight...or strikes for that matter. horrible. 514 series
I'm sorry to hear that. There is always a next time, though. And hey, you still would have beat me, haha.