View Full Version : What a Start!

09-08-2019, 03:43 PM
Started in doubles handicap league today. At the meeting, we learned that the "cap" for the handicap had been changed from 220 to 235 which was a good thing since there is a 235 bowler in the league who has won the last three seasons (what a surprise). The league handicap is also based on 80% rather than 90% which clearly favors the higher average bowlers. When I tried to open a discussion, I was not only shut down with no discussion, but the League President shouted out, "If you don't like it, go bowl somewhere else!" It's going to be a long season!

09-08-2019, 10:10 PM
Yeah our summer league is 80% of 230 and it favors the higher average bowlers. Not saying it can't be overcome though. My teammates won it 3 years ago and they were both around 200 average. We had a team finish about 6th or 7th (out of 39 teams) and they had around a 170 average. The top 20 make playoffs so all 20 have a shot at it.

09-08-2019, 10:28 PM
Despite the beliefs of high average bowlers, lower average bowlers do have one big advantage, and it's not their handicap; it's their ability to significantly improve. If a 170 average bowler does nothing more than improve their spare shooting, he can easily raise his average 15 to 20 pins. There's not much that a 220 average bowler can do to raise his average more than about 3 or 4 pins in a season.

09-09-2019, 12:24 AM
Despite the beliefs of high average bowlers, lower average bowlers do have one big advantage, and it's not their handicap; it's their ability to significantly improve. If a 170 average bowler does nothing more than improve their spare shooting, he can easily raise his average 15 to 20 pins. There's not much that a 220 average bowler can do to raise his average more than about 3 or 4 pins in a season.

Yeah. See the flip side alot. I see the 220 average bowlers occasionally roll the 170 game and it kills the team. But the 220 bowler rolls a 250 it isn't that big of an advantage. That would be the same as a 170 bowler rolling a 200. But when that 170 bowler rolls a 240 or 250 it really helps the team. Probably my imagination but it seems like the lower average teams kill us when they have a good night where the better teams might win a few against us but don't smoke us when they have good games. The problem is we have 2 teams with 4 of their bowlers over 210 and they have all been hot in the same game a few times. That's when they beat you by a ridiculous amount. Last year the one team had a1342 scratch game. That's a 268 average...lol. That teams 'team average' was 210.

09-09-2019, 10:23 AM
Started in doubles handicap league today. At the meeting, we learned that the "cap" for the handicap had been changed from 220 to 235 which was a good thing since there is a 235 bowler in the league who has won the last three seasons (what a surprise). The league handicap is also based on 80% rather than 90% which clearly favors the higher average bowlers. When I tried to open a discussion, I was not only shut down with no discussion, but the League President shouted out, "If you don't like it, go bowl somewhere else!" It's going to be a long season!

You see why a lot of younger bowlers aren't joining leagues once they jump from youth to adult? I've asked a lot of my graduated bowlers why they won't, and they said it's either commitment (36 week leagues are tough for anyone) or that they don't feel welcome in the "old guys club".

That being said, that's unacceptable behavior for anyone to have, and it sounds like this is the only control they have in their life (so they have to take advantage of any power they can get).

09-09-2019, 12:27 PM
Agreed Phoenix, a 36 week commitment where you have guaranteed a night taken every week (and not an individual event, but something that if you miss can hurt your team) is tough. I have a 6 month old and the one league has become more than enough. Here are the issues I'm having with current leagues:

(a) People can take these way too serious, especially in mom and pop leagues where there are not significant prize funds.
(b) The vocal minority get what they want way too much
(c) 36 weeks are a big ask when you are going into a new league that you don't know about - even more so when joining a new team.
(d) Benefits to league bowlers have dropped down in most places and there is less motivation to not just go and practice on your own for tournaments.

09-09-2019, 04:14 PM
You see why a lot of younger bowlers aren't joining leagues once they jump from youth to adult? I've asked a lot of my graduated bowlers why they won't, and they said it's either commitment (36 week leagues are tough for anyone) or that they don't feel welcome in the "old guys club".

That being said, that's unacceptable behavior for anyone to have, and it sounds like this is the only control they have in their life (so they have to take advantage of any power they can get).

It’s the old guys club thats the problem.

My Thursday league is full of them. Old stuck in there ways and they don’t even understand half the rules.

My one friend brought up the rule change about balance holes and how it could effect things, and mentioned we could choose not to sanction if we wanted to. They’re response....we will just vote to allow it....which you can’t do. If you are a usbc league, you play by their rules.

Also another possible rule change i wont get into specifics, I brought up as an idea because it made sense, and they’re reasoning for NOT changing it was “well thats the way it’s always been”....which is about the worst argument you can possibly have on anything.

There’s a reason we probably won’t be back next year

09-09-2019, 07:34 PM
It’s the old guys club thats the problem.

My Thursday league is full of them. Old stuck in there ways and they don’t even understand half the rules.

My one friend brought up the rule change about balance holes and how it could effect things, and mentioned we could choose not to sanction if we wanted to. They’re response....we will just vote to allow it....which you can’t do. If you are a usbc league, you play by their rules.

Also another possible rule change i wont get into specifics, I brought up as an idea because it made sense, and they’re reasoning for NOT changing it was “well thats the way it’s always been”....which is about the worst argument you can possibly have on anything.

There’s a reason we probably won’t be back next year

I'm genuinely not surprised. Plus a lot of centers aren't really pushing to bring in new people for leagues or anything. If the one around me would offer more short-term leagues for the new bowler, we'd definitely have more people come out for the longer ones. Plus it doesn't help when the old guard doesn't want any newbies coming in and messing with their money.

09-09-2019, 11:03 PM
Just a guess here but I'd say the average age of our fall league is probably about mid 30's. Summer league may be slightly lower. In fact, in our summer league the 2 highest average bowlers in the league are both about 231. They are teammates (2 man teams) and 1 is about 25 and the other about 55.