View Full Version : Which interchangeable system do you prefer?

09-09-2019, 01:11 PM
I'm potentially going to move to interchangeable thumbs since i've been having swelling issues. Which system do you prefer and why?

09-09-2019, 01:51 PM
I have used both the Switch Grips (currently use) and the IT system. I personally would lean to the IT system - I have lost a few switch grip thumbs since making the change. If you have a tendency of getting over top the ball which I used to do when I tried to help the ball get down the lane (old bad habit) they can spin out at times.

09-09-2019, 03:00 PM
I have also used both, first started with the IT system and now with Turbo grips. I prefer the Turbo grips. They are easier to get in and out of the ball. Seemed when I was with the IT system, a new ball was not always perfect and sometimes very difficult to get the insert out and in.

I have not lost any thumbs inserts with either system, and have had no issues with my current Turbo grips. It seems the Turbos are easier to install as well for the driller.