View Full Version : Pushing 50 acting 20 finally got me

09-09-2019, 02:38 PM
Last night practicing I was trying to get lower at the foul line. As you likely already know where this is going, yep... Got a little too low. I started off great with the first 7 then got a stone 8. Ended with 259.

Second game is when I got too low, pulled the muscle on the outside of my left leg. (Don't know what that muscle is called) Ignoring the pain I kept going resulting in slower feet and I kept coming through the nose. My timing was all screwed up and I was wobbling to the line still trying to ignore my leg. I couldn't hardly pick up a spare or buy a strike ending in a pathetic 138.

Who goes from 259 to 138? Lol again I tried to shake it off, sadly I was barely able to walk by the 4th frame when I put that first ball in the channel. Ok, ok.... Time to give in to defeat from my own frail body and put a stop to it. I hobbled home and took some Advil. Today it feels fine walking around, no pain at all. I'm skeptical of I should try to bowl though. I was supposed to start league tonight but now I'm unsure if I should even try.

09-09-2019, 03:06 PM
How low were you trying to go?

The thing to do, which I was instructed at the ITRC this past Spring is when you are in your stance, and if you have some knee bend in stance, is keeping that same level throughout your approach and delivery of the ball. What I had been doing was coming up or popping up slightly at the line which is what Lou Marquez says is why I tug sometimes. It affects your accuracy.

Hope you feel better soon.

09-09-2019, 03:18 PM
Apparently too low LOL not so low as to split my pants but enough to cut down on my loft. I just overcompensated because I felt my right knee slightly touch the approach.

Good news, ball barely made a sound hitting the lane... Bad news you already know. I guess I'll just deal with the thud, it's worked for me for this long. I guess if it ain't broke I won't fix

J Daisy
09-09-2019, 10:49 PM
Glad your leg is feeling better now.

Sounds to me like you are a very talented bowler as you are. Why change anything?

09-09-2019, 11:11 PM
I had played around with trying to stand more upright on release but never felt that comfortable. My knee had been getting sore from bending but now that I have slowed down I eased the impact on my knee.

Phoney...when I first came back last year about my 3rd week back I bowled a 244 then next game was a 124 and I had no excuses from injuries or anything. Just that I sucked...lol

09-09-2019, 11:34 PM
Thank you for that but I'm far from perfect. One thing about bowling is there is always room from improvement no matter who you are or how good you are.

I'm an okay bowler, there is a ton far better than me even on a house shot. Including on this board. Sport shot I'm awful.

I still have bad habits I need to fix. My coach isn't one to change someone for example my loft. It's part of my particular style so he isn't trying to change it, or say it's bad or wrong, just help me make me use it to where it will work.

09-09-2019, 11:56 PM
The thing to do, which I was instructed at the ITRC this past Spring is when you are in your stance, and if you have some knee bend in stance, is keeping that same level throughout your approach and delivery of the ball. What I had been doing was coming up or popping up slightly at the line which is what Lou Marquez says is why I tug sometimes. It affects your accuracy.

Hope you feel better soon.

I do bend in my initial stance and go lower as I get to the line. My coach said he crouches from the start to how low he wants to end up and keeps it constant throughout his approach. He does it for the very reason of getting old and non-flexible.

He said neither is wrong but to avoid further injury I may want to start lower. I knew being tall was gonna bite me in the butt someday besides hitting my head on things.

For what it's worth, I did forego starting league tonight. I didn't want to chance starting and not being able to finish and cause further injury.

Plus next week I have to drive back to Chicago for a few days... Wife is going under the knife so I have to be there for her of course. I'll start when I get back. It's not like bowling is going anywhere neither is the league.