View Full Version : Made a surprise pickup on league today.....

11-11-2019, 11:01 PM
It was one of those games that was slowly becoming a disaster game. First frame was an open. Second frame was a 7-10 pocket split. Third frame was another 7-10 pocket split. Fourth and fifth frames were multiple pin splits. I picked up three of the four pins left both times. I could almost feel smoke start to come out of my ears. Sixth frame I was thinking could things get any worse. I set up and made my approach and released what felt like a good shot. When I saw my ball hook and rolled to the pocket it hit a little high and left the 6,7,10 pins. That did it. I said out loud you have got to be kidding me. My ball came back and when I was set up I made my approach and threw a shot with anger behind it. My ball went over the 10 board then it reach the point where it took a nose dive towards the 6-10 pins and hit those pins just right and I made the 6,7, 10 split. I couldn't believe it. I got spares in the 7, 8 and 9th frames and in the 10th frame I ended up getting two strikes and a 9 count on the third shot. It was like that 6, 7, 10 pickup changed my game from a disaster one to an okay game. The beginning of this game was rough. I couldn't remember if I ever made a 6, 7, 10 split before in all of the years I have been bowling. That pickup cooled off the the anger that built up in me.