View Full Version : USBC to implement a tiered center certification program

11-25-2019, 11:12 PM
When this tiered center certification program is in place (2022), centers will be inspected and assigned to a tier based on the level it meets in regard to USBC specifications. Until then lane inspections are basically on hold till then.

Basically it sounds like their going to start giving centers a grade and "IF" the centers want to raise that grade they'll have to make some kind of improvement or whatever.

Well on the face of it that don't sound that bad, depending on how it's implemented, what each tier encompasses. Like what separates say a tier "A" from a "C" (however they list the tiers) that sort of thing.


11-26-2019, 11:25 AM
The way I took it was the old style of having the local association certify the lanes is gone which is just as well as that was a joke anyway. I think some of this could be a good idea but its all voluntary so at least here locally there is no competition anymore so why would they bother. maybe in bigger areas this will be effective.