View Full Version : Had three good games on yesterdays league night.....

02-09-2020, 10:08 AM
I bowled a 193, 179 and a 181. It was one of those nights where I was hitting the pocket consistently in all three games but it wouldn't give me strikes consistently. I picked up 98% of my spares. A lot of the spares were 9 count spares. I was real good at picking up the 7 pin or the 4-7 pins. As far as opens go I had one in the first game, two in the second game and one in the last game. I know these aren't great scores but let's face it sometimes you have one of those nights where you can't string strikes or get a few of them scattered around in all three games.

The rest of my teammates were on their games also. We ended up taking all 7 points. I have started to bowl better games now that I surface my own balls. I have the right grit that works for me. I have a 400 grit surface on my Columbia yellow dot and my Blue Hammer urethane ball. With my yellow dot I was playing with the arch of my slide foot on board 30 and throwing it out to a break point of board 5. Sometimes I hit board two and it still came back to the pocket. Putting that 400 surface on both balls was like putting snow tires on a car. Oh yeah, no polish on either ball. For me dull was the way to go.

02-09-2020, 11:35 AM
Nice! I haven't had much luck with polishing mine either.

A teammate of mine had a similar night the other night (at least for2 games). He really has no idea what he is doing and admits that. He goes up up literally hops on his last step and lets it go. He has a Katana with a slow speed (about 12 MPH at the pins) so it does hook but he can't control it and doesn't know how to adjust if he is missing the pocket. His average is 175. The other night he rolled a 202 and 222 his first 2 games. Hit the pocket alot every shot and game 2 was clean. Game 3 he struggled and only rolled 150 something but overall a great night for him. Guess somebody had to make up for my 431 that night...lol