View Full Version : skidding

03-02-2020, 09:12 PM
A lady bowler in my league is up. She's a southpaw, and when she bowls, her ball skids about 20-25 feet down the lane before it finally begins to roll. What causes this and what is a solution for it? Thanks.

03-02-2020, 10:36 PM
There are five phases of ball motion: skid, hook, hook out, roll, and roll out. The ball skids because it is in the oil and can't find enough friction to hook. Once it finds enough friction, it begins to hook. When the hook is complete, it stops hooking and begins to roll, once it begins to roll (point of maximum energy), it starts losing energy (rolling out). The idea is to get the ball to roll just before it reaches the pins so that it is at the point of maximum energy.

03-02-2020, 11:02 PM
A lady bowler in my league is up. She's a southpaw, and when she bowls, her ball skids about 20-25 feet down the lane before it finally begins to roll. What causes this and what is a solution for it? Thanks.

There was a older woman here (about 93) who did the same thing, When she released the ball it would just slide down the lane. You could see the fingerholes just sitting on the top of the ball slightly wobbling until it hit the dry at the end of the pattern and then just start rolling end over end.

It's basically like a helicopter release where the ball has 90° of tilt, hers just doesn't have the spin (or just a very minor amount.). Your basically just releasing the ball from the very top of the ball. (also usually using a light weight ball)

Here's some slowmo views of the helicopter release looking at it from different angles. does her release look similar to this?


If so you have to get her to stay behind the ball more with her fingers lower more towards or below the equator of the ball. So the ball rolls off her fingers/hand. Instead of releasing from the every top of the ball.

J Anderson
03-02-2020, 11:04 PM
A lady bowler in my league is up. She's a southpaw, and when she bowls, her ball skids about 20-25 feet down the lane before it finally begins to roll. What causes this and what is a solution for it? Thanks.

Without watching her bowl all I can do is guess.
First some questions:
Does the ball have no rotation at all until it gets 20-25 feet down the lane?
What happens when the ball does roll?

Most of the time balls will skid through the heads in the direction they were released while rotating on an axis that’s not perpendicular. This difference between the direction the ball wants to roll and the direction in which it is skidding causes it to hook when it gets to a part of the lane with more friction. For the ball to do nothing but skid, the fingers and thumb probably are coming out at the same time.

03-03-2020, 08:42 AM
My point with my original answer is that the ball is supposed to skid. It is also supposed to skid more than 20-25 feet. I think that we are taking a giant step into the unknown by assuming that the ball is spinning with the holes on top. Can we get some more information?

03-03-2020, 09:54 AM
My point with my original answer is that the ball is supposed to skid.

Okay, But just stating the phases of ball motion didn't really address the question asked.

I think that we are taking a giant step into the unknown by assuming that the ball is spinning with the holes on top.

I didn't say that the ball was spinning with the holes on top. I just used some examples based on the info given and then "asked" if her release look similar to that? To try to get more info. Then said if it did happen to look like that I gave a suggestion.

Can we get some more information?
Yes we do need more information,