View Full Version : Let's Talk Layouts

04-26-2020, 06:40 PM
Last night I was reading a new article on the BTM website entitled, "Anatomy of a Bowling Ball Layout." It's a pretty good basic article as it points out some of the differences between the Dual Angle System and the Storm Pin Buffer System. It correctly concludes that the two systems are simply different ways of arriving at the same conclusion and which one is used is mainly a matter of preference of the ball driller and, hopefully, the bowler. The article also correctly concludes that the layout is mainly valuable in fine-tuning ball reaction which is the reason that most pro bowlers stick to a couple of tried and true layouts.

The one thing that I disagree with in the article is the suggestion that bowlers should have their PAP checked every six months or so, as it tends to change. While I totally agree that it changes, I question why you would have it rechecked. Consider this: the PAP is a starting point for layout measurements. If it changes, the measurements change, but the ball reaction does not. If it is still an acceptable reaction, what's the difference if the pin-to-pap distance is four inches or five inches? Personally, my PAP was measured about five years ago. It was 4 3/4" over by 1/2" up. I'm sure that it has changed, but so what. The layouts that I use still work, and when I want to make an adjustment, making it from the same PAP from several years ago makes no difference at all. If I increase the pin-to-pap distance by 1", it's the same whether it changes from 4" to 5" or from 5" to 6".

The other thing that the article did for me was to get me thinking (always dangerous) about trying to understand how different layouts affect ball reactions. It occurred to me that since ball drillers drill the thumb hole first (obviously because it's the most important hole in the ball) and then drill the finger holes, we refer to layouts in those terms (thumb down, fingers up) when, in fact, we release the ball with the thumb up and the fingers down. When we look at the fact that a pin up ball results in a more angular reaction in traditional terms, it really doesn't make much sense. When, however, we realized that in the actual release position, the pin up ball put the pin lower and on the inside of the ball (closer to the body), it makes a lot more sense... at least to me.

I think I'm going stir crazy!!!

05-19-2020, 10:29 PM
Rob, Since you haven't had a response to your post (and you might not one), I thought this would be a good chance for me. I've read a lot of your articles from BTM and enjoyed them. Of course, I probably forgot most of it by now. I bought a used "Par Bowling The Challenge" several years ago and tried to stay with the author in describing ball motion as I recall. Got lost even though I have a bit of knowledge about the radius of gyration, inertia, friction and some math and geometry to go with it.
Been thinking about getting another ball which would hopefully give me a ball that would give me a more aggressive reaction than that of my IQ Tour solid and Code X solid balls which use the R2S cover. The ball I think I'll order is the Omega Crux. I was thinking of using the following layout on it: 55 deg x 3 3/4" x 45 deg. The Code X is: 60 deg x 3 3/8" x 35 deg. The IQ Tour is: 50 deg x 3 1/4" x 30 deg.
I've heard talk about short pin layouts which I guess are something like 1 1/2 to 2" pin to PAP distances. I'm hoping that the Omega might help kick out the 10-pin that I often get. What does a short pin layout do for you? Might it be something worthy to discuss with my PSO. Thanks!

05-20-2020, 07:46 AM
Are you sure that a more aggressive reaction is what you are looking for? A great, great majority of ten pins that are left by league bowlers are a result of too much aggression (ball runs out of energy). A short pin layout results in less flare, consequently less aggression. With that being said, have you considered buying a less aggressive ball and using your standard layout (the layouts that you have listed are very close together)? I think that you will be pleasantly surprised, and you will save a bunch of money!

05-21-2020, 07:05 PM
You may be right Rob. I take the same line with the IQ Tour solid and Code X and move left as needed using 2:1 maneuvers. The Code X provides a bit more punch at the end of the pattern on the house shot around 40 feet or so. I have a Pro-Motion and the SPEC cover works nicely and it provides smooth move to the break point and has a strong backend move beyond either of the other two mentioned here.
I may take your suggestion and may try the Tropical Surge to see how it will work. Just toying around...

07-09-2020, 10:32 PM
I picked up the Cherry-Black Tropical Surge ball a couple weeks ago. Smells nice. Shiny, beautiful ball and fits like a glove. Haven't bowled in quite a while. Didn't pick up right away, but I liked the reaction of this ball and it seems to be more controllable. Stayed more right with it by laying it down on board 12 and targeted board 9 at the arrows. Moved right from there a bit. It was rolling nicely for me; however, I learned something last week.
I've been attempting to keep my fingers on the left of the equator probably too far. What I found to work extremely well for me was to make sure the pad of my thumb was engaged with the hole flat side down at the release point. This would have my thumb at 12 o'clock and my index finger at about 5 o'clock separated about 2 inches from my middle finger. This helped me get a wonderful roll. This next week I'm planning on using other balls and will get back to the Surge soon. My plan is to play with the IQ Tour, IQ Tour 30, Hy-Road X and Torrent balls. All pretty similar except for the finishes.
Looking forward to trying the Surge again with a better release technique...

07-09-2020, 11:23 PM
Make sure that you try different hand positions with an eye toward creating different reactions. After all the years that I wrote articles about using different bowling balls, I now bring two reactive balls and one plastic spare ball when I bowl. With different hand positions, I am able to create about six different reactions with just three balls... saves a ton of effort lugging balls around! LOL

07-10-2020, 12:06 PM
Not only do I lug all those balls around, I keep all my equipment in the beloved basement. So I carry them up the stairs and out to the garage to the car's trunk. I'm not picking up heavy objects all the time and this is a test for me to tell me how I'm doing physically. One of my old time Navy buddies just passed away and again I'm reminded that life is fragile. This old body is still doing pretty well and I intend on bringing plenty of excuses with me in my bowling bag to blame my poor performance on until I can't do that any more. It's like bringing more bats or gloves than anyone else to impress folks. :) Most days I don't use more than one or two of them. Maybe it builds confidence that I don't always have lots of on hand. Still looking forward to using the Surge a bit more after next week. I'm going to look up your article on hand positions. I do recall Susie Minshew had one in Bowling This Month, too. May take a look at that one two if I can find it... :)

07-10-2020, 03:07 PM
Don't bother looking up my article on hand positions. I never wrote one! These are new discoveries for me, and all you need to know for you is knowing what two or three different hand positions will do for YOU! It's amazingly simple, once we get it through our thick skulls. LOL

07-11-2020, 12:11 AM
You make a great point, thick skulls. I've been fighting with throwing a spinner much of the time. Also, I think I was allowing the ball to drop off my hand. With my thumb in a much better position both issues magically went away. The ball roll is wonderful and my index finger is in a pretty good place to allow me to keep my fingers in the ball a bit longer and get the ball out in front of me. No spinner. Carry is much better. Maybe my scores will get back to what I was able to do just a couple years ago. During this summer I'll just concentrate on my release and pay attention to making those spares. Hopefully the spares will be simple and makeable rather than washouts and impossible splits.

07-11-2020, 01:02 PM
Ok. I read Susie Minshew's two articles on hand positions. Looking at the pictures #1 is a 90 degree position which I doubt I've ever used (only by mistake). If I'd try it, my thumb would be at about 11 o'clock or a little more counterclockwise and my index finger would be nearly 3 o'clock. I suppose that would be worth a shot. Probably not the worst thing I could do. All I know is that if I go back to getting my thumb too far clockwise, I'll be back to where I was which didn't work well at all.
Changing the distance of my index finger from the middle finger I do sometimes. Seldom tuck my pinky finger but can try that. Always try to keep my pinky parked next to the ring finger. Feels right. I usually spread my pinky finger away from the ring finger when shooting spares and keep my index finger close to the middle finger, too.
One issue though is that it's hard to throw it straight. So I polish up my spare ball using Vise Slip Agent when necessary.
Looking forward to this next Wednesday morning. Surge back in play the week after... :) Have some hand positions to play with now...

07-12-2020, 03:29 PM
In terms of your finger positions, and more importantly, you fingers during the release, remember that it's the ring finger the puts forward roll on the ball, and the middle finger that puts on side roll. When throwing straight at your spare, try imagining that you are throwing a backup ball, and keep your middle finger quiet.

07-12-2020, 05:13 PM
I read John Jowdy's article on hand positions, too, just the other day. I purchased his last book a few years ago and it took me a long time to understand what he meant by leading with your ring finger towards your target. It was not that long ago that it came to me why he mentioned that. I've tried that back up ball technique and I doubt that I have been able to accomplish it. That urethane covered Mix ball that I use for spares tends to get into a roll better than most balls I have even with many of them coming off my hand like a spinner. I'll continue to work on my hand position to avoid spinners in the future and think I have accomplished that. I saw a video with Mo Pinel talking about drilling methods to help people who tend to throw spinners by angling the hand position of the finger holes or something to correct for that. I'd rather do it with my own mechanics if I can. I think if I can keep my thumb pad engaged with the thumb hole throughout the swing I'll be in fine shape to do that... Thanks Rob...

J Anderson
07-12-2020, 05:29 PM
In terms of your finger positions, and more importantly, you fingers during the release, remember that it's the ring finger the puts forward roll on the ball, and the middle finger that puts on side roll. When throwing straight at your spare, try imagining that you are throwing a backup ball, and keep your middle finger quiet.

I remember at some point watching the PBA back when it was on ABC hearing Nelson Burton Jr comment that Walter Ray Williams Jr only had his thumb and one finger in the ball when shooting spares. Do you know which finger he left out? And given the USBC rule changes going into effect shortly would this technique be illegal under the new rules?

07-12-2020, 07:11 PM
I remember at some point watching the PBA back when it was on ABC hearing Nelson Burton Jr comment that Walter Ray Williams Jr only had his thumb and one finger in the ball when shooting spares. Do you know which finger he left out? And given the USBC rule changes going into effect shortly would this technique be illegal under the new rules?

No and yes. LOL

07-12-2020, 09:13 PM
I remember at some point watching the PBA back when it was on ABC hearing Nelson Burton Jr comment that Walter Ray Williams Jr only had his thumb and one finger in the ball when shooting spares. Do you know which finger he left out? And given the USBC rule changes going into effect shortly would this technique be illegal under the new rules?

Walter Ray Williams said when he first came on the tour he hooked the ball a lot, When he realized spares were important. He started copying Gary Dickinson style of rolling the ball straighter.

Now Dickinson used only his thumb and the middle finger in the ball to shoot straight at spares. But there were times when the announcers said Walter Ray took out the middle finger and left the ring finger in.

Most likely Walter Ray tried both methods, But over time though he quit doing it because he felt it added too much strain and he found a plastic ball went straight enough without having to do it.

In one of Bo Burton’s tips of the week one time he said for going cross lane, He recommended taking the middle finger out to cut down the hook.

J Anderson
07-13-2020, 08:03 AM
Walter Ray Williams said when he first came on the tour he hooked the ball a lot, When he realized spares were important. He started copying Gary Dickinson style of rolling the ball straighter.

Now Dickinson used only his thumb and the middle finger in the ball to shoot straight at spares. But there were times when the announcers said Walter Ray took out the middle finger and left the ring finger in.

Most likely Walter Ray tried both methods, But over time though he quit doing it because he felt it added too much strain and he found a plastic ball went straight enough without having to do it.

In one of Bo Burton’s tips of the week one time he said for going cross lane, He recommended taking the middle finger out to cut down the hook.

Given what RobM said about the ring finger imparting forward roll on the ball it would make sense that leaving the middle finger out would lead to throwing straighter. I think it also works taking the ring finger out due to the fact with only one finger in the ball you won’t be trying ‘to do’ too much to the ball in your delivery.
It’s ironic that USBC’s belated attempt to tame bowling balls by eliminating weight holes eliminates a proven technique for throwing the ball straighter.

07-13-2020, 08:07 AM
Taking a finger out of the ball for spares is a very common tactic used in this area. When the new rules go into effect on August 1st this year, it is really going to impact a lot of people bowling on sanctioned leagues. Although, most people will probably continue to do it. It will be virtually impossible to enforce the rule and no one is going to be watching people that closely to even notice.

07-13-2020, 11:24 AM
Taking a finger out of the ball for spares is a very common tactic used in this area. When the new rules go into effect on August 1st this year, it is really going to impact a lot of people bowling on sanctioned leagues. Although, most people will probably continue to do it. It will be virtually impossible to enforce the rule and no one is going to be watching people that closely to even notice.

If you are bowling in any "big money" leagues, I wouldn't bet that no-one is going to be watching if I were you.

07-13-2020, 12:00 PM
If you are bowling in any "big money" leagues, I wouldn't bet that no-one is going to be watching if I were you.

I actually bowl in the "big money" scratch league at my center and am quite shocked at the general ignorance for rules. There was only one time last season where someone saw that my teammate had a ball with a balance hole, and said to him "you know that needs to be plugged before next season, right?" My teammate said yes, and the guy said "Ok, just making sure you heard." Otherwise, it isn't uncommon for bowlers to let things go in terms of waiting for pins to be removed from the channel, getting fallen pins reset, etc. It irks me all the time...why bowl in the most competitive leagues in the house only to sidestep rules regularly?

I have already refreshed my arsenal with equipment with no balance holes, and have never been one to leave a finger out of a hole for spares, so I am personally not concerned about the new rules. The thing that will bother me the most are the no-thumb or two-handed bowlers that will try to use a ball with a thumb hole and leave their thumb out for the first shot, and then use the same ball and put their thumb in it for spares. I have already seen a couple of arguments between people debating the rule and the no-thumb/two handed bowler saying they can do that under the new rules. Then you mention to a no-thumb/two handed bowler that they need to mark on their ball where grip center is and that always has to be in their palm when they deliver the ball, and you would think their head is about to explode.

We are two and a half weeks away from the rule taking effect, and there have been no reminders at the bowling center or emails from the USBC or local association reminding bowlers. This has been two years in the making, and the communication (as usual) has been very poor.

J Anderson
07-13-2020, 01:15 PM
We are two and a half weeks away from the rule taking effect, and there have been no reminders at the bowling center or emails from the USBC or local association reminding bowlers. This has been two years in the making, and the communication (as usual) has been very poor.

There was an announcement last week at the start of doubles league that weight holes need to be plugged by August 1. The announcement was prefaced with “Chris has asked us to announce...”, Chris being the owner of the pro shop. I think it’s more a case of not wanting to have a hundred bowlers show up July 31st demanding to have three or four balls plugged by the next day than looking for extra business.

07-13-2020, 04:18 PM
There was an announcement last week at the start of doubles league that weight holes need to be plugged by August 1. The announcement was prefaced with “Chris has asked us to announce...”, Chris being the owner of the pro shop. I think it’s more a case of not wanting to have a hundred bowlers show up July 31st demanding to have three or four balls plugged by the next day than looking for extra business.

I feel bad for the pro shops that will be inundated with people expecting next day service on plugged balance/weight holes. Bowlers have had 2 years to get it taken care of and there should be very few left at this point.

At $10-$15 per ball, it is a chance for a quick pop in revenue which is always good. But if it means you have 20-30 balls sitting on the workbench it can be a little frustrating.

07-13-2020, 05:55 PM
Our PSO has announced it a few times and said he will do it for cost for all of his customers. I have never had a balance hole so nothing to do for me

07-14-2020, 04:33 PM
I had both of mine that had holes taken care of before league started last year. No one will ever accuse me of waiting till the last minute...

07-14-2020, 08:03 PM
Our local center said they have no plans to remind anyone of the rule or worry about enforcing it. They did say the pro shop currently has 20-30 balls queued up to have holes filled, so people seem to be aware of the rule.