View Full Version : Prize Fund Committee

09-12-2020, 04:48 PM
Started a new league this fall, since our small league got ousted by the center and disbanded altogether.

Just curious if other leagues have the Secretary as part of the prize fund committee? Do they have the President on the prize fund committee? Or both?

09-12-2020, 05:34 PM
Started a new league this fall, since our small league got ousted by the center and disbanded altogether.

Just curious if other leagues have the Secretary as part of the prize fund committee? Do they have the President on the prize fund committee? Or both?

I've never (at least as far as I can remember) seen the Secretary/Treas. or President be part of the Prize committee. I would think there might be some conflict of interest in someway if that was done (or at least some might think there is), maybe not.

(Having them on The Audit committee on the other hand, that would be a problem and conflict.)

It might happen on some really small league, where you don't really have anyone who wants to do it though. The best option would be though having it made up from the rank & file members.

There's nothing in the rules as far as I know that might preclude the President from appointing another league officer to the prize committee though.

Now in the "How to adopt a prize list" info from Bowl.com

It says: In "When to adopt " : "The president appoints a committee (Rule 102c) of one or more league members "

While Officers are league members, I look at this as meaning members who are not already in some other position (officer or committee) on the league. But that's just my view