View Full Version : Back to bowling again today........

09-14-2020, 04:36 PM
We started our senior league today. I haven't bowled since the beginning of March after the allies COVID shutdown. I was out of rhythm. I had to figure out how to hold the ball and how to swing the ball and how to keep the shoulders open sometimes and closed other times. I haven't practiced at all since the beginning of March so I came in ice cold. My knees aren't the greatest because of osteoarthritis. They are not bad enough to replace. I had both of my hips done so they are okay. So anyway I bowled a 131, 170 and a 128. Yikes! So I spent time on figuring out what worked best as far as holding the ball and swinging the ball and the proper release. All things considered it was still fun and seeing all of our bowling friends again. Number 74 is coming up for me shortly so I am hanging onto bowling as long as I can because I like it a lot. So from now on I guess that I can only get better from here. I am sure that my friends and I will be hitting practice again like we did before the virus shutdown. Have a good day folks.

09-14-2020, 06:21 PM
Hey, at least you were out there. I bowled our shortened summer league then we started fall league 3 weeks ago (tomorrow is 3rd week). Surprisingly I came back pretty comfortable but still have my bad days. Pre-bowled this past Saturday and just felt off. Timing seemed off but my wife started bowling with us and she got her new ball (her first ever) Saturday so I was busy watching her too. It will get better. I'm sure others struggled too. It does seem like averages are down across the board in our league

09-20-2020, 02:43 PM
Gonna be a lot of rusty bowlers on the lanes for the ones lucky enough to be back.