View Full Version : Learned to hook!

J Daisy
02-15-2021, 04:27 PM
Well, I'm back to bowling semi-regularly, and I finally learned how to consistently hook my Jagged Edge bowling ball. However, controling how much I hook it is a different story. It seems hard to predict the right amount of spin to give it. I'm sure with time and practice, I'll get a hang of it, though.

02-20-2021, 01:07 PM
Well, I'm back to bowling semi-regularly, and I finally learned how to consistently hook my Jagged Edge bowling ball. However, controling how much I hook it is a different story. It seems hard to predict the right amount of spin to give it. I'm sure with time and practice, I'll get a hang of it, though.

I don't think the amount of "spin" to give it should be an issue. On your strike ball you should give it the amount that is comfortable and consistent. If it's hooking too much or too little then either adjust your target or where you stand on the approach. It's very important to learn keeping your release consistent.

When you get more advanced then there will be instances where changing up your release may be needed. For now... Lather, rinse and repeat over and over.

J Daisy
02-23-2021, 10:16 AM
Thank you. I'm having trouble keeping it consistent, even when I stand and end my approach on the same spots. I have been trying to aim at the 4th or 5th board, and each time the ball either rides the gutter and hooks into the pocket, or it hooks too much and goes into the other gutter, or it falls into this gutter before it hooks. I aim at a board further in, it hooks too much. I aim at a board closer to the gutter, and it's a gutter ball. It seems like the main problem is getting a hang of throwing it the same way every time. I can hook the ball, but I'm still figuring out how to throw it to make it do what I want.

02-23-2021, 11:53 AM
Like I tell my son..."It's all geometry and physics. The physics are all you, the geometry is the ball. If you don't get the physics consistent then it's hard to get the geometry consistent because the ball's reaction is dependant on you."

He's a few years in and he still struggles with this concept. It takes time, discipline and a buttload of practice. Don't get discouraged in the interim as it will come.

Given your description there's a couple things I can think of you may be doing. First is the obvious being your release which we already touched on. The second is, are you drifting on the approach? Is the board you line up your feet on when you come set on the approach the same board you end on when you release?

If one ball you are lined up and it hits the pocket and the next you end up drifting 5 boards inside I can see why it would end up in the channel in spite of hitting your mark. That would be a perfect example of physics and geometry.

I obviously haven't been around in a while. Have you ever taken video of yourself? If yes, have you uploaded it? If no, it's a very useful tool to help from pulling your hair out when trying to figure things out.

02-24-2021, 08:20 AM
Thank you. I'm having trouble keeping it consistent, even when I stand and end my approach on the same spots. I have been trying to aim at the 4th or 5th board, and each time the ball either rides the gutter and hooks into the pocket, or it hooks too much and goes into the other gutter, or it falls into this gutter before it hooks. I aim at a board further in, it hooks too much. I aim at a board closer to the gutter, and it's a gutter ball. It seems like the main problem is getting a hang of throwing it the same way every time. I can hook the ball, but I'm still figuring out how to throw it to make it do what I want.

If you are on a typical house shot and playing out on the 4-5 board you will be very inconsistent unless you are a pro. There will be very little miss room out there. You will have a better shot inside with more miss room. You are trying to find the spot on the alley where you can miss in or out a little and still hit the strike zone. Steve

J Daisy
03-07-2021, 02:27 PM
Thanks for your help guys. I will have to pay more attention to what board I start and end my approach on.

I have never made a video of myself bowling, as I do not have a good camera on my flip phone and I don't like pictures/videos of myself made public. Maybe someday.