View Full Version : If a bowler loses speed and has too much hand...

03-11-2021, 09:58 AM
..thinking outside the box here...

Would a very aggressive ball drilled conventionally be a possible solution?

I have a teammate that is used to really torquing the heck out of the ball...kinda like a Mark Roth style. But, after an injury, he doesn't have the speed he used to. So he's had to go down in weight to 12-14lbs and with such low speed...he can barely stay right of the headpin with a plastic ball.

So, adding speed isn't really an option. Changing his whole bowling style, at this point...might be a tough sell as well.

But, what if you actually took a ball that had all kinds of hook wired into the ball (specs) in terms of core and coverstock, etc... But, drill it conventional so his style his "dumbed down"? Would that 'possibly' work for someone?

Just trying to figure out what to do with this guy...who likely is gonna quit soon anyways. Every time he gets close to quitting he throws a 230 game and convinces himself that he's back...then he throws a 135 and 145 and we're back to square one.

03-11-2021, 10:50 AM
Has he tried a slip agent on the ball? It increases length, but doesn't increase backend reaction like a traditional polish does. This product has been a savior for many slower ball speed and rev dominant bowlers.


With regards to switching to conventional, that might be a tough sell. Best to try a house ball first and see if he can throw a house ball any faster than his fingertip stuff. A conventional drilled, aggressive "high performance" ball will roll heavy for sure, but might really mess with his release and make him more miserable than he already is. Going semi-fingertip might be a better option than reverting to full conventional.

03-11-2021, 10:52 AM
No a weak drill on a strong ball will not work. I say this from personal experience. I currently use three balls, all with a very high RG (2.61, 2.60, 2.57) due to my 10 mph average ball speed. All are drilled very weak; 6" average pin to PAP. The most surface on each of them is 3000, but none are polished. I have been averaging over 200 for the past six weeks or so.

03-11-2021, 11:43 AM
Oh well. Just thinking outside the box.

I'm gonna print off Rob's advice from the other thread and give it to the guy. He can read it, throw it away, make it into a paper airplane...whatever. It's getting to the point with that guy where its not even fun to have him bowl with us. He swore he was just gonna come back and bowl for fun...its a handicap league...no pressure...no big deal. And that lasted like 2 weeks. Then it was every week him saying he can't figure things out and thinking he has the solution, then that doesn't work, then he's on the verge of quitting, then he's back, then he has a good game and thinks he has things figured out again, then he tanks and it all starts over again.

And to make matters worse...despite having two experienced bowlers on our team...one of whom has coached high school...nobody seems to give him good advice. They pretty much tell him to stay in the track and get the ball out there more and throw it harder and all kinds of stuff that "legit" bowling coaches would NOT tell him to do. And it doesn't matter...because he's a typical old bowler. He doesn't listen to anybody anyways. He whines and asks for help, then ignores everyone.

Plus, we're under "1st Place Team" pressure. We've been in first place for 20 weeks straight...and we have about 6 weeks left to go. Lately, that lead has been diminishing little by little to the point that we are now in danger of falling out of 1st for the first time since about Week 4. So, everyone seems to be on edge and is being overly hard on themselves. We're used to be close to last at season's end...not fighting for 1st.

03-11-2021, 08:06 PM
The thing that a great majority of bowlers don't understand is that the importance of the low RG is directly proportional to the ball speed of the bowler. When a bowler has a high ball speed, there is so much momentum that the RG really doesn't mean much. With bowlers with very low ball speeds like myself, the resistance to roll that is created by a high RG makes a HUGE difference. The other thing that I've found is that by not "trying" to throw the ball faster, I am able to bowl comfortably which makes me extremely accurate. Over the past 12 league games I've bowled, I have left a total of 7 open frames. Even without a ton of speed, when you constantly hit the pocket and pick up your spares, you will be able to average 200.

03-12-2021, 09:28 AM
That makes a lot of sense.