View Full Version : Officers

03-21-2021, 10:20 PM
Most of our local leagues select/vote for their officers at the end of the season for the upcoming season. For instance, in May we will vote on officers for the fall league that will start in Aug/Sep. This gives the officers time to prepare and build the teams prior to the first day.

Our summer leagues tend to do the same. Unfortunately, when CV hit, the lanes did not allow some of our summer leagues to bowl in 2020. My question entails the officers that were elected at the end of summer league 2019, and there was no league in 2020 - are they the officers for the summer league of 2021, or would new officers need to be voted on prior to the start of league?

03-22-2021, 09:48 AM
Given the passage of extra time, I think that the elected officers should be given the choice of accepting the office or not, depending on if their individual circumstances have changed.

03-22-2021, 03:49 PM
We always vote for officers the first night of league. The league meeting is held 30 minutes prior to the league start time, and we vote on officers, rules, propose changes, etc. That way, all voting is done by the people that are bowling that season. There is typically enough turnover each season that it would be difficult to vote at the end of one season for changes that are effective the following season.

Given the current state of things, it makes sense to reach out to the people that were elected in 2019 and confirm (1) they are returning and (2) if returning, they are still interested in being a league officer. That way there aren't any surprises on the first night.

03-24-2021, 04:21 PM
Most of our local leagues select/vote for their officers at the end of the season for the upcoming season. For instance, in May we will vote on officers for the fall league that will start in Aug/Sep. This gives the officers time to prepare and build the teams prior to the first day.

Our summer leagues tend to do the same. Unfortunately, when CV hit, the lanes did not allow some of our summer leagues to bowl in 2020. My question entails the officers that were elected at the end of summer league 2019, and there was no league in 2020 - are they the officers for the summer league of 2021, or would new officers need to be voted on prior to the start of league?

IMO You would elect new officers. Because the officers elected in 2019 were only elected for the 2020 season (which didn't happen) not the next available summer season regardless of year.

Now yes you could also reach out to the people that were elected in 2019 and confirm they are returning and if they are still interested in being a league officer. If they are you would still have to go through the process of having nominations for them and anyone else interested in running, voting etc.

You should also vote on having officer elections held at the start of the season (the Organizational meeting) instead of at the end of the season. (This is allowed in USBC Rules)
Rule 102 – League Officers
b. The elections shall be conducted at a meeting held before the distribution of league awards, unless the league board of directors decides that they are to be held prior to the start of the league schedule.

03-24-2021, 09:45 PM
Thanks for all the input.

Like I said most of our league elect at the end, so the officers have time to build and organize the league before the first night. And it relieves a lot of the hectic first night issues.

This one league is the only one I am involved in that missed the next season. Most bowled at least some of a season.

USBC chimed in and agreed that the officers need to be elected, but the outgoing officers would hold the office until elections are held. Thus, the 2019 president would call the meeting to order turn it over to the VP to hold the election of the President. The elected president would then take over the meeting and the VP and Sec/Treas would be elected.

03-25-2021, 07:59 AM
Our bowling center handles the organizing and building of all of their leagues since it directly impacts their bottom line. The league officers are not at all involved in that whatsoever. If a league loses members, we "tell the counter". If we need to fill spots on a league we "tell the counter". The back-office employees of the center then do all of the phone calling, emailing, and recruiting. Even if a team needs a substitute and cannot find one, they will "tell the counter" and the center will call around to find a sub for the evening (if given a couple of days notice.)

03-26-2021, 06:12 PM
Our bowling center handles the organizing and building of all of their leagues since it directly impacts their bottom line. The league officers are not at all involved in that whatsoever. If a league loses members, we "tell the counter". If we need to fill spots on a league we "tell the counter". The back-office employees of the center then do all of the phone calling, emailing, and recruiting. Even if a team needs a substitute and cannot find one, they will "tell the counter" and the center will call around to find a sub for the evening (if given a couple of days notice.)

Wish we had this kind of customer service. Bowlero Corp would never spring for the labor or qualified labor to put this in effect. Consider yourself lucky...especially, if you are an officer.