View Full Version : Got a new ball!

03-27-2021, 03:29 PM
My last ball I bought was the Venom Shock but it still sits out of my reach in another state. My friend is coming up soon but I'm tired of waiting to really start hitting the lanes hard in the meantime.

I really love my Venom Shock a lot, it's really my favorite ball I've ever owned. So while I'm waiting I picked up a Fatal Venom. It's an ugly ball in it's color scheme, probably the ugliest ball I ever had but it still packs quite a punch. It don't hook as early as the Shock does but when it does it really sticks and moves. It goes quite long and at the last minute just takes an abrupt left turn and BOOM! It's quite awesome.

I used to be a hardcore Hammer guy but I'm really liking the Motiv line more and more. I'm not trying to sound like a Motiv staffer doing a ball review but I have to give credit where credit is due. Both balls I bought in their lineup I'm extremely pleased with.

I threw 3 games with it yesterday and I admit it took a the first two games to really get used to. First game no matter what I did the first 5 frames I hit right threw the heart leaving big split after big split. Once I figured it out it was awesome!

So this was my fifth time out since the surgery and I really feel back to 100% on the lanes. No trouble with my back swing or follow through. I'm able to do what I need to do with no resistance or pain. I still can't scratch an itch in the middle of my back with my right hand but I can live with that on the lanes. I'm very happy! I'm still not getting super high scores but I'm right at our just over 200 so I have no complaints.

I'm going in early today to throw a few more games with the new rock. I'm sure I'll do a little better this time out.

06-07-2021, 10:47 PM
howdy Phonetek.

first, i hope you and your loved one's heath are doing well. second how are these two balls treating you? i'm looking at the Venom Shock, and the Fatal Venom as part of a 3 ball bag for open/league play.
third being a spare ball (sniper?). plastic balls are just too brittle!
i heard that the Venom Shock is good to start with on fresh patterns or as a benchmark ball. then when transitioning the Fatal is a nice companion when the lanes start to dry up.

looking for versatility as far as speed and hand adjustments go. guess i would be a one hand tweener.

finishes on the balls? layouts? rev rate, ball speed? etc?

thanks :D

06-22-2021, 02:08 PM
Sorry it took so long to reply, very busy these days. You're correct. From what I've seen using the VS and FV thus far you've heard correctly. The VS is a great benchmark ball and once the pattern breaks down the FV is the go to. Just watch your ball speed with the FV, if you throw to hard it won't hit the breakpoint in time.

As far as layouts, even though I've been back in this a few years now I still cannot claim to understand them. I simply tell my PSO what I want the ball to do and they drill it accordingly.

As far as the finish, since I frequently bowl on fresh oil I hit my VS with 2000 grit. I like to splash around in the oil and with that finish it treats me well. So far with the FV I've only used it with 4000. I haven't played around with adjusting the surface. The need has yet to present itself.

Best advice coming from someone who throws hard (19 mph), just watch your speed with the FV and you'll be fine. I'm really in love with the Motiv balls, as an ex -Hammer convert. I think they are a great addition to anyone's arsenal.

06-22-2021, 02:56 PM
no worries. i hear ya on being busy.:eek:

thanks so much for posting with your experiences. it's much appreciated.

since posting, i've found the 'Big Bowling' 'Shim Rekker'. i think i might go with that instead of the the Venom Shock.
as for a late game league ball, the fatal venom is still on the list of possibilities. going to talk to other league players as well as the house pro shop operator.

thanks again

06-30-2021, 03:53 PM
I never even heard of Big Bowling but the few balls they have look interesting I gotta be honest.

I don't know what it is about the Motiv lineup but my son and I are infatuated with them. That's all our main arsenal is now.

Since this post I've added a fresh Venom shock, the Jackal Legacy, and a Hydra. Even though they are discontinue I found a couple of them on Amazon. All in addition to the Fatal Vernon.

With the exception of my original black Faball hammer spare ball everything else is shelved now. Every single one of the Motiv balls just shred the pins for both of us. Especially my son, he gets crazy messengers that seem to come from other zip codes.

Out of all of the balls, the Fatal Venom has just insane late movement. I don't care how far out it is, it just seems to stop and turn left. It's completely crazy and frankly a bit of a challenge but I love it.

My son has 2 Venom shocks, a Hydra, VIP, Trident and a Tank. So between us two there isn't many missing we don't have. The VIP is the newest one and the second game he bowled with it he got a 289. He came out a tad late on the 11th shot and it cost him a ten pin leave.

J Anderson
06-30-2021, 08:21 PM
I never even heard of Big Bowling but the few balls they have look interesting I gotta be honest.

I think the company founder used to be one of the top ball designers at Storm. All the balls are made in Washington state. One of our junior bowlers has all five of their balls. I would not be surprised if those are the five he takes for Junior Gold