View Full Version : Back to my old self?

04-04-2021, 01:35 PM
Brought my son to work last night. It was very slow last night due to the weather being nice. My son was practicing and a few of his friends came to join him for a while. He was doing very well shooting 200+ every game.

When he and his friends were done he was doing a lot of smack talking that suddenly he was "da' bomb". He was trying to bait me to go head to head against him. Normally I wouldn't bowl on the clock. Since my co-workers are more recent to the company while I was away they've never seen me bowl, in addition to the bar regulars that were there or his friends..

Since there were only a few bowlers there I decided to grab my ball out of the office. We bowled 3 games. I came out of the gate (no warm up tosses) with the first 8 strikes then hit a little high leaving a 4 pin. I picked that up and struck out ending with a 279. My son ended with 239.

The next two games I shot 248 and 258 including a 4-10 split conversion. No open frames in any of the games. My son still shot 212 and 227 the second two games. He did very well, he only missed a couple spares. He was getting a little lucky though as the pin gods were generous with him carrying several Brooklyn's.

It was tons of fun for both of us. Our spectators were quite obnoxious. Even the open bowlers stopped after we started and they too were behind us watching. It's been a while since I've bowled a match like that with spectators. It was great fun doing it with my son.

Even though Dad brought him down a peg, everyone gave him nothing but praise. I had no physical issues last night, no pain and no limitations. It feels good to feel good! I'm glad I pushed myself as much as I did through the physical therapy and since to get back to normal.

The best part was when our match was over my son gave me a fist bump and a hug and said.. "I didn't enjoy losing but there is a reason I look up to you Dad... I'm glad you're back!" Even if I am really back I only see a small window ahead before the role will be reversed. Given that only a few short years ago he struggled to hit triple digits. It's insane how quick he's progressed. I'm very proud.

04-04-2021, 06:19 PM
That's cool. But next year I'm thinking the results may be reversed...lol

04-04-2021, 11:59 PM
Probably, that's okay though. That's kinda the point of teaching your kid. I hope he can pass me up since he's plenty young enough to do more with it than I did. LOL

04-07-2021, 01:10 PM
I think the topic of this thread should be,

"Can you believe I bowled a 785 after an absence from bowling from a bad shoulder and the shut down?"

or maybe just "7-8-5"

04-08-2021, 02:58 PM
LOL I wasn’t even thinking of it in terms of a series since it was merely for grins. That said, neither of us did too shabby in that regard. I’m just happy to be able to fully functional again, I’m not worried much about score.

It’s unlikely I’ll be on a league any time soon. Maybe in the fall? I’m too busy at work trying to get things in order. We’ve had a lot of management changes. Even though we’ve been open since the end of January there are so many things that are still sub-par. Getting there slowly but slowly.

I have a lot of work ahead and bowling for myself is way down on the bottom of the list. Again, I’m just happy I can do it and have fun with it for now.