View Full Version : Different color, different feel?

07-09-2021, 01:36 AM
I asked my PSO this and even he don't understand why different color inserts feel different. He agrees there is a difference. Same exact size, same manufacturer but different colors can feel more snug or softer than others. They aren't advertised that they are softer or more snug, just simply different colors.

After trying lime green, orange, pink, red and blue that I have to say white feels the best on my fingers. Lime green is the most snug of all of them. Why? No clue! White I can bowl with the most, getting the least finger fatigue.

As much as I like to color match the inserts to contrast the ball I think I'm sticking to good ol white. Whatever they use in the inserts to color them has some effect. I guess if I was younger and didn't bowl so much I probably wouldn't notice this much of at all.

Anyone else notice this?

07-09-2021, 08:41 AM
Yes! I have noticed this as well as others in my family. Yellow, orange, and white work the best for me. Clear and black grips tend to hurt and we always ask that the PSO never use those in our stuff.

Black thumb slugs tend to be very uncomfortable as well, whereas orange, yellow, green, and white seem to be more comfortable.

07-09-2021, 11:20 AM
I never noticed this for the simple reason that I always use black grips. Why? Because by using one color, I can keep a supply and change my own grips whenever they need changing without having to go through the hassle and expense of dealing with a pro shop.

07-09-2021, 12:05 PM
Yes! I have noticed this as well as others in my family. Yellow, orange, and white work the best for me. Clear and black grips tend to hurt and we always ask that the PSO never use those in our stuff.

Black thumb slugs tend to be very uncomfortable as well, whereas orange, yellow, green, and white seem to be more comfortable.

I've never noticed anything different with the thumb slugs regardless of the color. As long as they are drilled oval with lots of bevel on the top they feel great. However I've never tried black for neither. I like to be able to see them down the lane.

07-09-2021, 12:45 PM
I have 2 thumb slugs and both are black so can't compare. Same with the finger inserts. My PSO has always used the clear ones so never tried the others but Rob makes a good point. But then again I usually buy a new ball before I wear out the inserts...lol. But I went through a whole winter season without buying a new ball...lol

07-09-2021, 03:44 PM
I never noticed this for the simple reason that I always use black grips. Why? Because by using one color, I can keep a supply and change my own grips whenever they need changing without having to go through the hassle and expense of dealing with a pro shop.

I change mine out at home as well. I just keep the sizes I need on hand in my preferred colors. I don't really care if there is a mix of orange/yellow, yellow/white, etc. Having matching grips isn't important as long as they feel good.

07-09-2021, 04:43 PM
But then again I usually buy a new ball before I wear out the inserts...lol. But I went through a whole winter season without buying a new ball...lol

I've gone three years now without buying a new ball... I learned to make other adjustments than just switching balls. BTW, I'm bowling and averaging better than I have in years despite considerable physical limitations.

07-09-2021, 09:49 PM
I asked my PSO this and even he don't understand why different color inserts feel different. He agrees there is a difference. Same exact size, same manufacturer but different colors can feel more snug or softer than others. They aren't advertised that they are softer or more snug, just simply different colors.

This is mainly anecdotal it could have to do with the color dyes used. Years back racing slot cars, when we started upgrading to silicone tires which came in different colors.

We found that different colors had better grip than other colors, the ones with better grip were softer. They weren't spec'd as being different, But in use they were.

Also Insert sizes can vary slightly from brand to brand/type to type and batch and the way in which the insert sizes are listed differs between brands and of course some are made of different materials like vinyl, silicone etc.

So if you find one that fits good, you should try and stay with that brand&type.

If you find a set of grips that fit good, buy a extra set or two from the same batch. That way you have them on hand, so you can put them in yourself or have the pso put them in.

How sharp or dull the drill bit the PSO used to drill the holes can affect the feel of the size also or if one shop used a 31/32" vs a 61/64" bit can make the same size grips feel different.

If you go in to get grips put in, have them put in without gluing them first. Try your fingers in to see how they fit and adjust if needed.

07-10-2021, 01:16 PM
This is mainly anecdotal it could have to do with the color dyes used. Years back racing slot cars, when we started upgrading to silicone tires which came in different colors.

We found that different colors had better grip than other colors, the ones with better grip were softer. They weren't spec'd as being different, But in use they were.

Also Insert sizes can vary slightly from brand to brand/type to type and batch and the way in which the insert sizes are listed differs between brands and of course some are made of different materials like vinyl, silicone etc.

So if you find one that fits good, you should try and stay with that brand&type.

If you find a set of grips that fit good, buy a extra set or two from the same batch. That way you have them on hand, so you can put them in yourself or have the pso put them in.

How sharp or dull the drill bit the PSO used to drill the holes can affect the feel of the size also or if one shop used a 31/32" vs a 61/64" bit can make the same size grips feel different.

If you go in to get grips put in, have them put in without gluing them first. Try your fingers in to see how they fit and adjust if needed.

The slot cars tires are an excellent example. I too remember that. It is completely possible it's whatever they use to color them that gives them slightly a different feel.

The other is as you also said regarding the drill. However I had two balls done the same day with two different colors in them so I'm not sure the drill bit can be blamed since he likely used the same one on both. That said, he could have used the bevel sander more on one ball that the other. If the hole was at all different which it probably was since he's human, that could certainly be a logical explanation.

A theory I can easily test by bevel sanding one of my tighter ones a smidge and see if anything changes. Also if for some reason my inserts did come from a different production batch even though they are the same size and manufacturer, that theory also holds water.

I have yet to resort to buying them in bulk. He's very conveniently located for me so it's not going out of my way just having him do it. He doesn't charge me anything for an insert sway anyway but he knows I'll drop some money on the counter when I leave when he's not looking. Annoys him when I do it but too bad.

07-20-2021, 03:11 PM
I've noticed a slight change from one color grip to another. The best feeling grip color seems to be white and/or yellow to me; however, the softest grip colors seem to be the clear and black ones IMHO. I've ordered two colors for my use and ordered the neon green for my ring finger and clear for my index finger. Both are Vise with power ovals rather than power lifts. I like the power ovals for the ring finger and use oval for my index finger. Use two different colors to clearly make it easier to identify my ball on the rack... :)

07-21-2021, 12:24 PM
Yeah white seems to be the way to go for me. I haven't tried clear or black yet. Like I said, I like to see them going down the lane. I'm starting to develop so whopping bulges on my fingers though. I can't really call them calluses. There is no give like they are going to pop and there is no white flakey skin. They are just painless swollen lumps making the ends of my fingers look a little hokey. They don't hurt at all.

I bowl a tremendous amount of games each week, way more than the average Joe. I haven't had anything pop open in quite some time, the new skin has stayed in my bag. I usually quit when the rest of my body tells me it's had enough which is much sooner than my son's.

When I do bowl and I go to my spare ball with the white inserts, each time I put my fingers in I get that "Ah, that's more like it" feeling.

07-28-2021, 08:04 PM
I've never put it together until you said it here, but I've noticed this too! I always chalked it up to just sliiightly different variations in measurements or my hand changing/broken in ball/grips vs new, etc.

07-29-2021, 06:31 AM
I don't feel to much difference in the texture of the grip. It's the size that can be different. I also believe you need to use a sharp bit or mill to get the hole perfect to make them just right for me. I use the turbo 4-1 grips. Steve