View Full Version : Back in the Saddle - Finally used Video

01-02-2022, 04:25 PM
So with the onset of Covid and Golf being my primary sport I finally have a little over a years worth of actual bowling. I finally broke down and got a Tripod Stand for my phone to video tape bowling practice. Any critique is appreciated.


My takeaways from this video are as follows. If anyone has anything to add let me know as I don't really know much about bowling. The first two shots are me and the second two are of my 81, soon to be 82, year old father (the reason Bowling is on my list of favorite pastimes activities these days).

1) Respect to the Covid beard?
1a) need to lose a little weight
1b) need to shave a little, but not all, of the beard.
1c) need to figure out how to better edit videos so when there are only 30'ish seconds worth of video it does not show that there are 14+ minutes of video.

2) My takeaway may be a little inside but I like the way the ball is coming off my hand and the current rotation.

3) When I follow through straight (first video segment) I tend to have better results. When my follow through goes left (2nd video segment) I tend to miss hard RIGHT. Was wondering why I would sometimes miss so far right.

4) I am not using my left arm for balance enough in my approach and my backleg kick-out may not be pronounced enough.

5) My takeaway is short as I tend to be upright in my approach limiting the amount of backswing I can obtain.
5a) My release position, bottom of swing, is high (near knee height) which would be more resolved by being less upright in the backswing and release?

6a) For my father my only critique was I thought his last step may be a little too long but I have no idea what I am talking about when it comes to bowling. It just seems long to me and maybe throwing off his delivery some. As I indicated he is over 80 and his consistency seems pretty decent to me.

01-02-2022, 05:23 PM
First thing I'll say is I am not a coach and many on here are better qualified to help you than I am but I have a few things I noticed...

1) I hope I'm able to do what your dad does when I'm 81. That's awesome!
2) your backswing is an arc that wraps behind your back and not in a linear motion. Almost looks like some no thumb bowlers I see but looks like you are using your thumb? I'm sure others will tell you it's important to try to keep that armswing in a straight line.

That's all from me...lol

01-02-2022, 06:09 PM
First thing I'll say is I am not a coach and many on here are better qualified to help you than I am but I have a few things I noticed...

1) I hope I'm able to do what your dad does when I'm 81. That's awesome!
2) your backswing is an arc that wraps behind your back and not in a linear motion. Almost looks like some no thumb bowlers I see but looks like you are using your thumb? I'm sure others will tell you it's important to try to keep that armswing in a straight line.

That's all from me...lol

Yes, I am a thumb in bowler currently.

01-03-2022, 07:21 PM
Well, I am a coach, and I agree with Boatman. Watch your Dad, you'll learn a lot! You are trying to hook the ball. You can't make the ball hook, you have to learn to let it hook. Also, you need to use a plastic spare ball for 10 pins. Finally, you are very lucky that you obviously live in a state that has no mask mandate. For years I wore a goatee but now, living in a state with a mask mandate, clean shaven is the only way to go!

01-03-2022, 09:08 PM
Well, I am a coach, and I agree with Boatman. Watch your Dad, you'll learn a lot! You are trying to hook the ball. You can't make the ball hook, you have to learn to let it hook. Also, you need to use a plastic spare ball for 10 pins. Finally, you are very lucky that you obviously live in a state that has no mask mandate. For years I wore a goatee but now, living in a state with a mask mandate, clean shaven is the only way to go!

Wait...I gotta write this down. Rob agrees with me...lol.
But seriously, Rob knows his stuff and I listen when he talks (although it takes awhile to sink in).

I know you mentioned it but looks like on your first ball you follow through nice then on spares you pull your arm. And what he says is true about that 10 pin. You CAN pick them up with that strike ball but you need to be almost perfect to get it and standing that close to the gutter will make it more difficult. Use plastic or if that isn't an option right now you need to go more cross alley. We have a guy on my team that makes about 1 out of 10 10 pins and he stands way right throwing a plastic ball but his speed is about 9-10 MPH and the ball hooks away at the last second, even with a plastic T-Zone

01-06-2022, 11:36 AM
Well, I am a coach, and I agree with Boatman. Watch your Dad, you'll learn a lot! You are trying to hook the ball. You can't make the ball hook, you have to learn to let it hook. Also, you need to use a plastic spare ball for 10 pins. Finally, you are very lucky that you obviously live in a state that has no mask mandate. For years I wore a goatee but now, living in a state with a mask mandate, clean shaven is the only way to go!

My spare ball I rolled in the video is a plastic ball.

By 'trying to hook' you mean I am over rotating my hand on the swing through? I can see that on the spare shot where my arm follows through left but the first felt and looked pretty natural to me. If I am overturning the hand there then I really have some work to do.

I still can't figure out how to get the backswing higher. For practice on Tuesday night I specifically tried to work on that but even with forward tilt in my approach I am not even getting the backswing to parallel with the floor. I have spent days trying to find a good video online to demonstrate how to get a higher backswing but have been unsuccessful in finding anything.