View Full Version : How many of you follow PBA bowlers on their respective YouTube channels?

02-03-2022, 01:32 PM
Talking about Brad & Kyle, House Bowling, Darren Tang, etc.

I think it's a fresh of breath air and a look into their personalities. Many of them are entertaining and great for growth of the sport.

02-03-2022, 02:45 PM
I watch Brad and Kyle then a few others if they happen to pop up

02-03-2022, 03:08 PM
Brad & Kyle pretty much - like their sense of humor. :)

02-03-2022, 04:11 PM
Stopped watching Brad and Kyle. I have seen some of Tang's stuff as well as Packy/House Bowling. Some of it is definitely entertaining for bowling fans, although I am not certain it is contributing very much to the growth of the sport. People not familiar with bowling or just casual observers won't appreciate a lot of the content they are throwing out there.

J Anderson
02-03-2022, 06:08 PM
I’m subscribed to Brad and Kyle and the House. I occasionally watch Beef and Barnsey, and Darren Tang. I skip most of the ball reviews, but really like Packy’s challenge videos.

02-04-2022, 08:28 AM
I watch a lot you tube feeds and follow all the players more for there ball reviews or lessons on ball motion and the mechanics of the game. I have learned a lot just from this and really enjoy it. Steve

02-04-2022, 10:27 AM
Do any bowlers that I actually like have Youtube channels (WRW, Bohn, Koivuniemi)?

If someone asks me, "Would you waste your time watching a Youtube channel of a bowler?"...my response is, "Are they a Top 10 bowler of all time (not named Pete Weber) or Mika Koivuniemi?"

If the answer is "yes" (i.e. it's WRW, Parker Bohn, Norm Duke, or Mika Koivuniemi)...then I would watch that. If the answer is "no"...then it is a waste of valuable time.*

* Past and current coaches videos excluded...because two of my former coaches bowl or did bowl professionally and I'd watch their Youtube channels if they had one and it furthered the coaching path they and I already started.

02-04-2022, 10:33 AM
A lot of the day, I have YouTube videos running in my background - B&K are in that list.

02-04-2022, 12:13 PM
My 3 kids live on YouTube watching videos. I myself... Meh. I'll watch something if it's informative and I'll learn something. If I want to change a water pump on my vehicle or fix my dishwasher I'll go to YouTube. Aside from that I don't really get into all that.

I definitely don't subscribe to anyone. In the bowling world I've watched a ton of videos for learning purposes or if something extraordinary happened. As for a particular bowler and what they have been doing? That is more biographical... on rare occasion maybe. I just don't care enough if some pro bowler took his kids to Disneyland and they bowled with Mickey mouse. I have zero interest.

Ball reviews are also a definite no. To watch people that throw balls who throw them nothing like me I find rather pointless. If I buy that ball, it's not going to do for me what they are showing so it's moot. It's cool and impressive but I find little benefit. I've learned enough about ball specs the last few years to be able to make an intelligent decision if it's good for me or not. My PSO will also tell me if it's something that will compliment my style or be a train wreck.

I'm not looking to be entertained by pros unless I'm watching them in a match. Everything else is just fluff. If it's something that's truly a must watch it's posted everywhere anyway or I'll have coworkers or customers or my kids come show it or send it to me anyway.

Sorry, I sound like a major buzz kill on this subject. With my job and much of my off time (what little I have) I spend coaching/watching my son or just bowling with him. Plus I have to do my other fatherly and husband duties which leave me with very little me time. That being the case, that me time I don't choose to spend finding out what fro picks Kyle is handing out or how much weight AJ is benching at the gym these days. Don't get me wrong, most of the pros are wonderful guys and great for the sport and what they do is great but anything off the lanes for me is a no go.

I get everything I need right here, other sources and in person to get my fill. It may be unpopular opinion but it is mine to have.

02-04-2022, 01:06 PM
Do any bowlers that I actually like have Youtube channels (WRW, Bohn, Koivuniemi)?

If someone asks me, "Would you waste your time watching a Youtube channel of a bowler?"...my response is, "Are they a Top 10 bowler of all time (not named Pete Weber) or Mika Koivuniemi?"

If the answer is "yes" (i.e. it's WRW, Parker Bohn, Norm Duke, or Mika Koivuniemi)...then I would watch that. If the answer is "no"...then it is a waste of valuable time.*

* Past and current coaches videos excluded...because two of my former coaches bowl or did bowl professionally and I'd watch their Youtube channels if they had one and it furthered the coaching path they and I already started.

PBIII and Norm Duke pop up frequently as guests on various YouTube channels, and PBIII's son Justin has a YouTube channel as well.

The big thing these days is people are hoping to be the next YouTube sensation, and monetize their channel as either a side hustle or full-time job. There are some that are successful doing it, and others that just kind of look like fools doing it.

One of the original serious YouTube bowling content creators was Trey Ford. His sister Alexandria, also a bowler, started her own channel as well. They were doing all kinds of fun challenges and other types of bowling related videos well before the House, Tang, B&K, etc. were doing it. Now they have kind of moved on and rarely post much new content. That is how I see a lot of the current crop of bowling content creators ending up in the next 2-4 years.

02-04-2022, 01:15 PM
I used to really like watching the Lane Side Review videos about different bowling balls. I thought they gave the most honest assessments.

But lately, I don't know. I've seen some reviews lately that really have shaken my faith in how "honest" their reviews really are.

At the end of the day, they don't really ever give a negative review...I don't think anybody that reviews balls ever gives a negative review. They probably figure the bowling ball companies won't give them balls if they "poo poo" the products.

02-04-2022, 01:24 PM
Lane Side Reviews used to be a good channel, but Rob Johnson is a Brunswick staffer which already adds some bias in to their self-proclaimed "non-bias, independent bowling review web series". He would even state on the reviews of non-Brunswick equipment that he wasn't allowed to throw it. As you said, they don't want to be negative either because they will stop getting comped balls from the ball manufacturers. When the pandemic hit, their uploads stopped for several months. I saw that they have started posting again but just haven't been interested in watching them.

JR Raymond's Bolwerx video reviews aren't bad, but even those I am getting bored with. In fact, I am getting bored with ball review/reaction videos in general. They never come to any conclusions, are heavily edited, and generally always positive.

02-04-2022, 01:35 PM
Lane Side Reviews used to be a good channel, but Rob Johnson is a Brunswick staffer which already adds some bias in to their self-proclaimed "non-bias, independent bowling review web series". He would even state on the reviews of non-Brunswick equipment that he wasn't allowed to throw it. As you said, they don't want to be negative either because they will stop getting comped balls from the ball manufacturers. When the pandemic hit, their uploads stopped for several months. I saw that they have started posting again but just haven't been interested in watching them.

JR Raymond's Bolwerx video reviews aren't bad, but even those I am getting bored with. In fact, I am getting bored with ball review/reaction videos in general. They never come to any conclusions, are heavily edited, and generally always positive.

Ball review videos showing them leaving constant 10 pins, not making it to the pocket or hooking off the lane are not going to sell bowling balls. They only choose the best balls thrown with the best reactions. Would you wanna buy a ball that they showed leaving pocket 7-10's every shot? LOL It may be the case but they'd never put that in the video.

02-04-2022, 03:31 PM
Ball review videos showing them leaving constant 10 pins, not making it to the pocket or hooking off the lane are not going to sell bowling balls. They only choose the best balls thrown with the best reactions. Would you wanna buy a ball that they showed leaving pocket 7-10's every shot? LOL It may be the case but they'd never put that in the video.

At least it would be a more honest review. The closest thing to an honest review are the Ebonite one-take reviews where the bowler bowls an entire game from start to finish in one take. It gives you a chance to see how much adjusting needed to be done, how well the ball carried from frame-to-frame, the bowler's reactions, etc. I wish all reviews were a full game or two all in one-take with the bowler commenting about moves they make, how they feel the reaction is changing over the course of the game[s] etc.

Instead we get videos where the lane is conditioned perfectly for the ball, and the ball has a layout on it that is perfectly suited for the perfect condition. Look at this ball...it has amazing continuation through the pocket! Of course it does.

There have been more than a few duds over the years from all manufacturers. Besides, the manufacturers bring out new balls so frequently they can simply discontinue a dud and try again.

02-05-2022, 09:37 AM
In fact, I am getting bored with ball review/reaction videos in general. They never come to any conclusions, are heavily edited, and generally always positive.

That pretty much sums it up nicely.

I've seen SO many ball release videos where pros are throwing some mega super monster ball and...if you even know a tiny teeny little bit about ball specs...you'll know that the average bowler shouldn't be using that ball on a THS. Yet the pro will be sitting there saying, "this ball will work for any bowler on any condition...from the tournament bowler looking to battler heavier oil conditions to the house bowler wanting more movement downlane." And I'm hearing that thinking..."if the ball is going to move sooner in the heavy oil...how is going to have delayed motion and move more down lane on a THS!?? Thats just a pro bowler reading a script.

But bowling ball companies are TERRIFIED at telling bowlers that a ball "won't work well for them"...even if it's the truth. Track used to be a bit technical and try to really drill down to the numbers and get bowlers fit with the right ball for their game...but then came Storm and Storm just said, "Hey...you want that ball because it smells like bubblegum? Sure...it'll do JUST FINE. That'll be $275." Storm's business model worked, Track's didn't. Bowlers don't want to be told they can't throw the ball like Mike Fagan and therefore shouldn't throw the same equipment as Mike Fagan. They want to believe what they want to believe...and if it doesn't work..they'll blame it on the lanes.