View Full Version : Busy night Tuesday

08-28-2022, 04:32 PM
Wife finishes summer league Tuesday night and I start fall league same night. We bowl on 31-40 and they will be on 1-10. On top of that 4 of my teammates quit so there were 3 of us left and 4 more are joining but I don't even know their name yet.
On top of that my step-father passed away unexpectedly a few days ago and I have been helping my mother with everything. I'm an only child but my wife and kids are helping a little too. Next few weeks and months will be busy for me

08-28-2022, 09:57 PM
So sorry to hear...my condolences, and thoughts are with you and your family.

One day at a time - you can't "DO" tomorrow today, and you can't "REDO" yesterday.

08-29-2022, 09:36 AM
We just went through that with my father-in-law (who we had JUST moved in with us, along with mother-in-law) - we're still dealing with all of his stuff. My thoughts and condolences!

08-29-2022, 12:15 PM
Thanks all. Waiting on death certificates now before we can do anything else

08-30-2022, 08:05 PM
Well I should be happy overall, and I am, but too many mistakes made tonight. Used the Zen Soul all 3 games. Tried the Helios in warmups but just wasn't thrilled with it. First game I had to slow it way down to about 14.5 to get it to bite. Probably should have tried the Altered Reality. I was targeting the 10 board. Tried getting out more in the dry but it was going through the nose even with more speed but I think I could have got it closer with a little more speed. 169 game 1. 2nd game it got better and ended with a 245 with a couple of blown spares. 3rd game started with the front 7 then the 8th frame the ball took off right through the nose. No warning. 9th frame I tugged it and crossed over the headpin. 10th I didn't change anything and went through the nose again. 8th and 10th were good shots as far as release and targets. 224 that game. 638 but had 7 opens but 5 of those were splits.

Actually had 12 in a row between games 2 and 3.

After 8 games with the Zen Soul I'm averaging 218 with it. I changed a couple of other things like shoes and thumb insert too

Wifes summer league playoffs were tonight. They lost the first round by 2 pins. She was about 20 over her average for 2 games.

Oh..and the team I sub for in summer league texted me earlier telling me they might need me to sub for them tonight....lol. They ended up not needing me. They were still in the playoffs when I left.