View Full Version : Bowling Better: Mental Game

09-20-2023, 04:16 PM
This is kind've an open discussion type question...but, essentially, do you bowl up or bowl down to your opponents? And, is there something that might make you more likely to bowl well (or poorly) that has nothing to do with the lanes/equipment? And, is there certain equipment that causes you to feel more confident (and thus bowl better) or less confident (resulting in poorer results)?

For example;

Games like tennis, ping pong, golf, cycling, etc... You tend to play up to or down to your competition. Sometime I feel the same way with bowling. I currently have a 179 average in the easier/"fun" league...and a 185 average in the more serious men's league on Wednesdays. It's like, I don't want to embarass myself in front of better bowlers...where on Sundays...most people bowl far worse than me...so maybe I don't concentrate as hard?

I recently bought a bunch of jerseys with my name on the back. I swore I wouldn't do that until I made the PBA50, but I was running low on shirts that fit me...and the PBA50 is nothing but a fantasy at this point. But, I DO find that I bowl better when I have a named shirt on. Almost like I'm insulating myself from 'haters' that are gonna make fun of me for wearing a shirt with my name on it.

And, the Force Pearl...like the Scandal Pearl from a few years back...I just feel more confident throwing it.

09-20-2023, 08:41 PM
I've always felt I bowl exactly how I'm going to bowl that day, regardless of the opponent. However, if said opponent has issues with say, an open mouth, I do tend to rev it up a bit, so to speak. There is nothing that levels my game up like the opportunity to close someone's mouth....

J Anderson
09-20-2023, 09:24 PM
This is kind've an open discussion type question...but, essentially, do you bowl up or bowl down to your opponents? And, is there something that might make you more likely to bowl well (or poorly) that has nothing to do with the lanes/equipment? And, is there certain equipment that causes you to feel more confident (and thus bowl better) or less confident (resulting in poorer results)?

For example;

Games like tennis, ping pong, golf, cycling, etc... You tend to play up to or down to your competition. Sometime I feel the same way with bowling. I currently have a 179 average in the easier/"fun" league...and a 185 average in the more serious men's league on Wednesdays. It's like, I don't want to embarass myself in front of better bowlers...where on Sundays...most people bowl far worse than me...so maybe I don't concentrate as hard?

I recently bought a bunch of jerseys with my name on the back. I swore I wouldn't do that until I made the PBA50, but I was running low on shirts that fit me...and the PBA50 is nothing but a fantasy at this point. But, I DO find that I bowl better when I have a named shirt on. Almost like I'm insulating myself from 'haters' that are gonna make fun of me for wearing a shirt with my name on it.

And, the Force Pearl...like the Scandal Pearl from a few years back...I just feel more confident throwing it.

I find that it's easier to stay focused in a serious league. Partly it's knowing that either the shot or the competition is going to be tough. There's also the fact that the other bowlers are taking it seriously that makes it easier to commit to the process of trying to make good shots.

Social leagues are harder to bowl really well in. The pace can be erratic, with bowlers wandering off to the bar or snack bar just before their turn. being a league secretary or treasurer can throw your game off as well, especially when you have to straighten out problems for other bowlers or teams.

09-21-2023, 05:09 PM
I find that it's easier to stay focused in a serious league. Partly it's knowing that either the shot or the competition is going to be tough. There's also the fact that the other bowlers are taking it seriously that makes it easier to commit to the process of trying to make good shots.

Social leagues are harder to bowl really well in. The pace can be erratic, with bowlers wandering off to the bar or snack bar just before their turn. being a league secretary or treasurer can throw your game off as well, especially when you have to straighten out problems for other bowlers or teams.

See, and I'm a polar opposite on this. We were in a scratch league where everyone was serious, and I stayed 207-210. We moved to a handicap league, and I've been 215-220 for most of that league. I don't think the lane conditions are any different.

09-21-2023, 06:29 PM
I actually agree with both of you.

If I'm bowling against a 2-hander or someone that annoys me...I turn it up a notch.

AND...same thing about bowling in front of the ladies. Gotta show off a little!

And, like JA, I'm currently averaging 5-6 pins higher in my men's league than the mixed/Sunday league...alot of the same bowlers...it's just a less talented group (overall) and more laid back.