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View Full Version : AIG... Thoughts anyone?

The KingPin
03-10-2009, 07:49 PM
Ok so AIG seems like a titanic of a company in some eyes, but what do you think? Should the government be helping?

Please keep it clean, but tell us what you think?

03-10-2009, 09:50 PM
the crooks don't deserve a dime. The mortgage crisis is mostly their fault for making loans to people in amounts they'd never be able to repay. Then they get a bailout courtesy of the American taxpayer, and they use the money to take their executives on lavish vacations as a way of saying "thank you" for a job well done?! Or give them year end bonuses while everyone elses jobs are being cut?!

If they want to see some money going into their companies then I think they need to take a major cut to their salaries. Don't reward the a-holes who screwed us all over by giving them our hard earned tax dollars.

03-13-2009, 05:05 PM
Some people must land in jail for this.

03-13-2009, 09:01 PM
I just wish the government forced those bastards of AIG to jump through the hoops like they did the auto execs to get money. No, the gov't just handed $70B to them, without very little oversight or questions.

I'm also very bitter towards AIG because I lost a lot of money on their stock that I ended up with after they took over Sun America.

03-22-2009, 03:26 AM
As angry as it makes me, not only AIG, but all the banks that received bail outs, I also realize that without the bailouts things could have gotten even worse. I had also read that the reason for the lack of oversight was a fear it would take too long or would not even pass through congress.

How have any of the funds helped the consumer? From what I've heard money for loans, business and consumer, is tighter than ever, interest rates on credit cards are incredibly high, and every time you turn around new fees are added. Long time business are closing because clients/customers cannot get the financing to purchase the product or services, even with near perfect credit ratings. I am doing everything I can to pay off cards used to assist my daughter while she was in college and a few years after she graduated, but can not seem to make much of a dent in the principal despite paying around $100 over the min. each month.

It baffles my mind to see the bonuses being given to the executives. I always thought a bonus was for a job well done. Unless the goal was to see the company in the crapper, what job did they do well? The one time I did work for a company that offered bonuses, it was based on the profits the company made. Negative profit would mean no bonus and possibly a cut in hours, yet these guys get huge bonuses for running the company into the ground. Oh but the ones who did that are gone and the remaining ones tried to fix the problem. Yea and I believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny too :rolleyes:

Over 8000 RIF notices went out to teachers in our school district due to cuts in funding of education from the state. Where is the bailout money to protect education? Yes, they say it is coming, but how much can and will the state siphon off before it gets to the classroom? How many excellent young teachers will leave the profession in the mean time? What good is money to build new schools, it there are no teachers to teach in these new schools? CA, in particular the LA area has seen a major increase in jobless numbers and as of July 1st, that number will increase as teachers are no longer employed by LAUSD.

Sorry to have strayed off topic, but it feels good to vent the frustration :) Thank you for reading!

The KingPin
03-23-2009, 09:31 AM
What makes me wonder is I have Life Insurance through AIG. So should I get out? I mean is that part of AIG safe maybe because of the Government? Or is it time to go find a new company?