View Full Version : Ugh infected cuticle and states 2 days away!!

05-21-2009, 11:11 PM
After bowling 16 games this past weekend in a tournament and then 4 more on monday in my PBA league i noticed my middle finger starting to hurt.. didnt think anything of it because this isnt the 1st time that it has hurt since i dont use a thumb it puts alot of stress on the nail area... come wed i have league again and then realized that i cant even get my finger into my virtual which i usually throw the 1st game.. after i found a ball it would fit in i then realized that it hurt soooo bad to do anything... I strugged but made it through the night shooting 201-176-203... then today i really started to worry because I have state this weekend and am leaving tomorrow to go down to the tournament since we have the early squad saturday.. I was messing with it at work today and noticed that it was infected. So i did a little pulling and squeezing and got some of the infection out... Now im down to a day and a half to get to where i can atleast bowl... I have a routine of soak in epson salt, wash with peroxcide "spelling??", then put bactriban on it for like 2-3 hrs then repeat...lol... Does anyone else have anyhting that could work??? I have drained it and all but am worried that it still may not be ready by saturday...ugh!!!!

05-22-2009, 04:50 AM
I've had that happen and haven't found anything that really speeds it along. It's probably too late to get to the doc for some antibiotics. Good luck with it, I hope it works out.

05-22-2009, 08:01 AM
I was gonna say soak it in epsom salt, but you're already doing that.
Epsom salt will draw out the pus....ewww.
I would just keep doing what you're doing. Keep it clean, but don't cover it with bandaids. Allowing it to get some air can help speed up the healing as well.

05-22-2009, 10:20 AM
well just an update... its like 90% better from all my cleaning and all yesterday alone... today ill do it all over again and hope its 100% by tomorrow... im surprised at how fast it cleared up...