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View Full Version : Joining New League's

05-28-2009, 03:07 PM
I've be on Leagues in 2 diffrents houses for my first time back bowling in 20 years.
I want to make it 3 leagues at 2 diffrent houses but I don't know what summer leagues to pick from theres so manny. Is there a way to know what leagues have the best bowlers for me to learn from or just join up and meet new people and do my best on any team I fall on?

05-28-2009, 04:39 PM
Three leagues to join-
1-A scratch league
2-A PBA Experience league
3-A Competitive Mixed or Men's league

1-Will or should have the better bowlers on it and have a high level of competition on it.
2-Will give you experience on different lane conditions.
3-Will give you experience with putting it all to use.

05-28-2009, 05:07 PM
Three leagues to join-
1-A scratch league
2-A PBA Experience league
3-A Competitive Mixed or Men's league

1-Will or should have the better bowlers on it and have a high level of competition on it.
2-Will give you experience on different lane conditions.
3-Will give you experience with putting it all to use.

Thanks bowl1820 for your reply.
I will be joining 3-A = Mon mixed (2) per team (3) games
wed mixed (4) per team (3) games
Big22 mixed (2) per team (3) games

I Think thats what leagues I'm goin for, I just wanted some insite on how to get on a good team or have a teammate thats a good bowler. Like if 3 teams need a player can I pick and choose or just sit back and let the house pick for me?:eek:

05-28-2009, 08:15 PM

Thanks bowl1820 for your reply.
I will be joining 3-A = Mon mixed (2) per team (3) games
wed mixed (4) per team (3) games
Big22 mixed (2) per team (3) games

I Think thats what leagues I'm goin for, I just wanted some insite on how to get on a good team or have a teammate thats a good bowler. Like if 3 teams need a player can I pick and choose or just sit back and let the house pick for me?:eek:

Well as for how to get on a good team?

For the most part if your new to the league, it's just about potluck who you hook up with.

The best way is know everybody there and how they bowl.

Checking the standing sheets and look at who's the big bowlers, can give you some insight.

If 3 teams need a player, you talk to them see who you want to bowl with. But it will be more if they want you. But most want someone who shows up and pays.

High roller teams are picky, unless sometimes they need someone with a low average to meet a cap.

06-30-2009, 02:28 PM
Mr Bill,

I like the advice that given by bowl1820. I bowl on an all Mens League and I have learned alot in the past 5 years.
It is all starting to come together now. I enjoy my bowling with teammates. It is nice to win, but winning isn't everything. I mostly try not to be the person on the low end of the totem pole that night. LOL

Mike Manning

06-30-2009, 02:54 PM
I could not get on the monday night league or the fridaynight but I did get in on a Tue night 4 person mixed in the 4th week and I got in on a Wed night 3 man team and It was right from the start thank goodness. Both teams Tue and Wed Want me to be on there winter/fall teams. Making friends and Havin fun............

06-30-2009, 04:21 PM
Good on you