View Full Version : Rename the Robot!

08-03-2009, 11:03 PM
Harry the robot retires.

Even robots need a rest sometimes. That's why Harry, our ball-throwing robot, is retiring after ten years and thousands of shots as one of the most important members of the USBC research staff. We owe Harry huge thanks for all the knowledge he has helped us gain about bowling balls and lanes. The new robot that will be replacing Harry has some big shoes to fill, and we think he's got what it takes.
Our new ball-throwing robot will be bigger and stronger and will have several abilities that Harry didn't have, such as mimicking a wider variety of styles and throwing the ball with great accuracy and more revs. But there is one thing that our new robot still needs: a name. That's where you come in. We're having a contest to see who can come up with the best name for our new robot. Follow the link below to submit a name and have a chance at winning our grand prize, a three-day, two-night trip to USBC Headquarters in Arlington, Texas for a tour of our International Training and Research Center, bowling lessons with some of the USBC's best bowlers and coaches, free passes to the Six Flags amusement park, a more!

Check out www.Bowl.com for more info