View Full Version : The Break

09-16-2009, 06:14 PM
As i will be reviewing the two of these that i have i will refer to them as follows Break#1 drill 4 1/2 x 60x40 pin up. pin is above ring with the MB in a strong position. As this was a pro-pin ball it has a weight hole down on VAL. It is at the box finish of 4000 grit Abralon. Break#2 is drilled 4 1/8 x 3 1/8MB pin under Mass bias ended up on VAL, Finish is 4000 plus Snake oik polish. Balance hole Down on VAL

Break#1 This ball reuires oil to function properly. Even at 4000 it handles higher volumes with ease. This ball has a strong but predictable and controlable motion downlane. As long as there is heead oil it will clear the heads with ease. As the heads go away it will suffer early burn. For me it is a perfect step down from my Break Point with similar ball motion

Break#2In out of box finish with this layout this ball hooked out at about 40 feet on anything less than a flood. A quick trip to the spinner to refresh the 4k finish and add Storm Extra Shine polish and this ball came to life.The polish alowed this ball to clear the heads much easier and then pick up a strong midlane read with a nice arc to the pocket. Both balls exibited good continuation through the pin deck.

I will post pictures as soon as i take some