View Full Version : Thumb Question

11-11-2009, 08:37 PM
I've heard it said many times the importance of a properly fit bowling ball, particularly with regards to the thumb hole. I know your not supposed to squeeze with your thumb during the arm swing. My question is does that mean you don't squeeze at all with your thumb? Or, are does it just mean don't squeeze hard? What is the role of the thumb during the swing and release? When inserting your thumb should you slide it in straight and keep it that way throughout the swing and release? Or should it bend and play a role in hanging on to the ball?

Strike Domination
11-12-2009, 02:07 AM
There are quite a few different opinions on this. The most popular opinion I think I've come across is that you shouldn't have to bend your thumb, but you should grip the ball. Just not too hard. There's the size of the thumb hole as one factor. The way it's been described to me is that it should be relatively snug, not too much room but not so tight you have to shove your thumb in there.

11-12-2009, 10:51 AM
Proper fit plays a HUGE part in how you hold your ball and release it . Those who like to "grip it and rip it" thend to like loose thyumb holes as the can fly out of them quicker. You definaltly do not want to "knuckle" the ball to hold on to it as by doing that you will dwvwkop an ugly knot on the back of your thumb. A slight flat squeeze should be sufficient and therefore east to relax and clear the thumb at point of release

11-15-2009, 08:32 AM
Thanx for the input guys. I feel I have a properly fit thumb hole yet I continue to struggle with it sticking. I know my thumb swells during the course of the evening so I try to compensate with tape. I'm thinking maybe its in the manner in which I hang on during the swing.

11-15-2009, 07:01 PM
Do you have a slug or insert in the thumb? Keep in mind that the same tacky surface that helps your ball to hook is part of your thumbhole too. If you don't have a slug/insert that could be contributing to your sticking. Personally if i don't have a slug my thumbhole has to be the size of a sewer to get out of it. So if you don't have one have your shop put one in and it may help a lot