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Motiv Girl
01-01-2010, 11:30 AM
The Fear of Failure

How do you react when you make a mistake, or when you fail? Do you have a plan for using failure to help you succeed? Top athletes have developed powerful mental strategies for bouncing back from seeming defeats and put themselves to the next level of success.

The way lies in having powerful, tested mental strategies at your disposal. What your mind believes you will achieve.

1. Winners Realize That Every Human Being Makes Mistakes: If they fail, so can we. And we can move on from those errors to reach our potential.

2. Winners Attempt To Make Fewer Mistakes: In sports, the team making the fewest errors usually wins. Most battles are won through error containment. Make your mistakes, but limit when you do them and how often.

3. Winners Correct Their Mistakes: Winners take mistakes as an opportunity to make good, to move on, and to learn from the situation.

4. Winners Take Responsibility For Their Errors: "Do not blame anyone for your mistakes and failures. The first step in gaining control over our errors is admitting that they exist.

5. Winners Don't Make The Same Mistake Twice: Learn from a mistake, vow to never repeat it, and to move on without reservation or fear of making other mistakes.

6. Winners Fail Fast And Move On: Winners cultivate an attitude of "lead, follow or get out of the way". They are voracious for success, and devour any mistake that can take them closer and faster to that success.

7. Winners Create A Lifetime Self-Coaching System: Develop a self-coaching system that helps you see your errors, define them, accept responsibility for them, improve them and to do all that with a positive attitude.

8. Winners View Failure As Just A Detour: Persistence is key . Work hard at it.Stay with it.

9. Winners Know That Failure Is The Teacher Of Success:The important thing is to learn a lesson every time you lose,errors are the sign-posts to success.

10. Winners Know That Admitting Failure Shows You To Be A Secure Person:We all choke, and the person who says he doesn't choke is lying. The person trying to project an image of perfection is setting up a fragile reality, ready to mess up at the wrong time. Be secure in your imperfection. It's easier than building an image that can't be maintained.

01-01-2010, 02:42 PM
Words to Live by aswell. Thank you Angela